Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thoughts on Homosexuality

“Led by radicals like Frank Kameny, same-gender sex activists attacked many psychiatrists publicly, as Newsweek describes, “But even more than the government, it is the psychiatrists who have experienced the full rage of the homosexual activists. Over the past two years, gay-lib organizations have repeatedly disrupted medical meetings, and three months ago—in the movements most aggressive demonstration so far—a group of 30 militants broke into a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, where they turned the staid proceedings into near chaos for twenty minutes. ‘We are here to denounce your authority to call us sick or mentally disordered,’ shouted the group’s leader, Dr. Franklin Kameny, while the 2,000 shocked psychiatrists looked on in disbelief. ‘For us, as homosexuals, your profession is the enemy incarnate. We demand that psychiatrists treat us as human beings, not as patients to be cured!’” (Newsweek, 8-23-71, p.47)

“Ironically, at the very moment Franklin Kameny was claiming that same-gender sex was healthy, safe, and natural, a deadly virus was silently passing through communities of men all over the nation as a result of the promiscuous, unhealthy nature of the sex they were having. Only a decade later, thousands of men would be dead or dying, of AIDS.

“On June 7, of the following year, 1971, Franklin Kameny wrote a letter to the Psychiatric News threatening the APA with not only more, but worse, disruptions. In this letter he states, “Our presence there was only the beginning of an increasingly intensive campaign by homosexuals to change the approach of psychiatry toward homosexuality or, failing that, to discredit psychiatry.” (The Gay Crusaders p. 130-131)

“Same-gender sex activists continued to pressure the APA through 1973. A same-gender sex magazine, The Advocate, talks of “…what happened in 1973…referring to the widespread protests by the gay and lesbian community that led to the APA’s dropping homosexuality from the DSM.” (The Advocate, 12-28-93, p.40) As a result of the pressure, in the words of the prominent journalist and same-gender sex activists, Andrew Sullivan, in December of 1973 the APA, “…under intense political pressure…removed homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders…” (Love Undetectable, book by Andrew Sullivan, 1998, p. 107) Under this “intense political pressure” the APA’s board of trustees finally caved in to the demands of same-gender sex activists. Another same-gender sex activist Mark Thompson writes, “Just before the first of the year, the American Psychiatric Association’s board of trustees declared we were no longer sick.” (The Long Road to Freedom, ed. by Mark Thompsan1994, p. 97)”

Note 1.

In 1989, two other homosexual radicals, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen wrote the book that would become the homosexual equivalent of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Their book, After the Ball outlined a plan to cover the American straights with propaganda and to change their perception of homosexuals. Their plan included six rules:

1. Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and often as possible.

”The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome”, said Kirk and Madsen;

”seek desensitization and nothing more… If you can get [straights] to think [homosexuality] is just another thing – meriting just a shrug of the shoulders – then you battle for legal and social rights is virtually won.”
”It makes no difference that the ads are lies, not to us, because we are using them to ethically good effect, to counter negative stereotypes that are every bit as much lies and far more wicked ones.”

The similarity to Alinsky’s admonition that the end justifies the means, that the end must be given ethical standing (cloaked in morality), and that the only bad “means” is the one not used, is striking.

2. Portray gays as victims, not aggressive challengers.

The Matthew Shepard case became the cause celebre’, even though his killers didn’t even know that he was gay: he was killed for money. The media took up school bullying and applied it directly to homosexuals as the victims.

3. Give homosexual protectors a “just” cause.

4. Make gays look good.

Every TV show had a gay who was indistinguishable from the straights. This was followed by TV shows about gays.

5. Make the victimizers look bad.

Christians became demonized on the major media, regardless of the non-connection of the huge majority of Christians to any persecution of homosexuals. “Fundamentalist” became the new expletive for virtually all Christians, except for ultra liberal Christians, who were “enablers”.

6. Solicit funds from corporate America and major foundations.
Note 2.

The results of this program, helped along by Hollywood and major media and followed by government intervention and support, have been spectacular. Anyone with a non-congruent opinion is now afraid to state it. The suppression has been successful. Now homosexuals are a protected class, with hate crime laws to add extra punishment to what might have been a run of the mill crime, except that it had a homosexual victim. Homosexuals can marry, and in San Francisco, they can have sex in the streets. In at least Massachusetts and California, homosexuality must, by law, be taught as normal in the government schools.

Homosexuals still want to be considered a normal lifestyle, one which they cannot avoid, being locked somehow into a sexual type, that of homosexuality. Over the past several decades since the discovery of DNA the attempts to connect homosexuality to a mutation in some sort of sexual developmental gene have not shown genetic lock-in to be the case. Even Kirk and Madsen wrote that,

”We argue that, for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate dispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence.”

If it had been the case that a deviation in genetics was the “cause” for homosexuality, then homosexuality would still have been considered a deviation from the norm, due to a defect in genetics which caused the deviation.

But since homosexuality has no known physical causation, then it must be either mental or maybe even cultural. Perhaps homosexuality has a cause in nurture, maybe due to an imbalance in parental roles or other defective environmental factors. The absent father or defective father is a known cause of many unbalanced mental attitudes, especially those of a rejecting, rebellious nature. So is child abuse and sexual abuse.

But mental causation, if accepted as a cause for homosexuality, means that homosexuality has a cause. That would mean that it is not normal, and so that cause must be rejected. But if the mental causation is rejected, then culture must surely be to blame, is that not so?

The cultural approach seems to have advantages that none of the other reasons for homosexuality have, including the elimination of “causation” for homosexuality altogether. It would appear that acculturation is the method by which homosexual activism hopes to acquire both legitimacy as “normal” (as in not-pathological), and to recruit new members to its advocacy groups and as members of its practicing population. If the culture can be convinced that homosexuality is “normal” by definition, then causation is no longer a factor in the narrative. (Note 3)

With government and government schools all enrolled as homosexuality advocates, it would appear that the homosexual agenda for acculturating itself is wildly successful. And this without any logical, or physical reasons for believing it to be a normal, rational, or healthy pursuit. All that is needed is a rationale.

The rationale is that society, specifically government, has a responsibility to eliminate discrimination; discrimination is a word which has acquired a heavy burden of moral disapproval. We must discriminate against discrimination: it is an absolute moral imperative to eliminate absolute morals from the minds of the populace, because absolutes produce discrimination. Education must discriminate against discrimination, and must validate the worldviews and behaviors of each and every human… except those who object to losing their right to object to certain behaviors. Those are deviants who must be discriminated against. We are now developing the legal system to do all that.

The policy is that anything goes, except objection to the policy.

Homosexuality is being, in fact has been, declared legitimate by fiat. There is no question that government sanction, protection and now promotion of homosexuality is a government fiat for that particular lifestyle’s legitimacy. Homosexuality is being declared unquestionably legitimate by the standard of tautology: it is legitimate because it is legitimate. Thus, it is no longer legitimate to question the legitimacy of homosexuality. Also, "non-discrimination" is now tautologically unquestionable: it is a moral imperative and is seen as self-apparent. Thus anyone who does question homosexuality is tautologically wrong, to the point of immorality, because questioning non-discrimination is the same as morally attacking a moral tautological imperative.

And that is how secular morals are created: they are made up and forced on the non-secular as self-apparent, tautological, moral necessities.

But these things are not tautological, nor are they self-apparent first principles. The necessity of discrimination in life is obvious. We discriminate against other partners by getting married and being faithful. We discriminate against the left side of the road by driving on the right side (in the USA anyway). We discriminate against purchases in favor of preserving our bank balances.

Non-discrimination leads to unsustainable profligacy: no partnership could be respected, no expenditure could be rejected, no action would be unconscionable. But profligacy is not usually taken as a cultural value, except in the secular, valueless culture of made up opinions charading as values. In a culture of total non-discriminating freedom from responsible actions, social failure is inevitable.

Taken to the limit, one must discriminate against falseness, and for truth; for logic and rationality over emotion and irrationality, and for personal responsibility over wantonness. Discrimination is not in and of itself bad as it is being demonized; in fact for a rational life, it is a requirement.

Non-rational, indiscriminant behavior has led to the housing bubble with houses sold indiscriminately to people without any means to sustain the debt. It has led to a massive national debt, with a burden created indiscriminately which is unsustainable by the citizens of the nation. And interestingly some of the most indiscriminate behavior is exhibited by homosexuals who willfully engage in behaviors known to spread disease throughout their community. A Reductio Ad Absurdem performed directly on antidiscrimination reveals that without discrimination, no knowledge would exist, no cooperative efforts would succeed, and rationality would fail.

Being an Atheistic and wanton behavior system, homosexuality comes without any morals attached to it, other than the morals it manufactures for others. We must be respected they say, while showing utter contempt for those whose respect they demand. The track is one way; they absorb and demand more. They give nothing in return.

There is nothing whatsoever in the way of objective evidence that is useful for declaring homosexuality to be legitimate or even admirable behavior. Much less is it normal sexuality. Sexuality has a teleology, like it or not. Its purpose is procreation, which is encouraged by the obvious pleasure of the heterosexual act. But homosexuality has no teleology, it has no purpose save the pleasure of the act itself. And that pleasure is derived from its deviancy from the norm.

While it might be argued that the behavior of consenting adults should not be considered an issue of concern for others, the problem with homosexual activism is that it wishes to take over and change the concept of normal in society to include the abnormal behavior in which homosexuals engage, and to recruit children via the governmental schools into their abnormal worldview. If this type of indoctrination, which is logically fallacy driven, is allowed to succeed, then the thinking abilities of an entire generation of children will be degraded. (Note 4). It is in everyone's interest to be concerned with irrational ideas and unhealthy lifestyles being fed to the nation's children, by fiat and without recourse. The homosexual agenda is not a victimless crime.

Anyone who wishes to operate from a worldview that is based on valid and true principles has to discriminate. It is not optional. It is a must. It should be taught as a virtue and a path to valid thinking.


Note 1. From Listi,

Note 2. From Sears and Osten, "The Homosexual Agenda"; and Kupelian, "The Marketing of Evil".

Note 3. If culture is the cause for homosexuality, then it can also provide the cause for release from homosexuality. This bit of obviousness is opaque to the homosexual community, which demands in the face of evidence to the contrary that homosexuality is irreversible. But the beauty of the acculturation via government fiat is that at some point there will be no one left to question the legitimacy of homosexuality.

Note 4. Not to mention that their gender confusion will be multiplied considerably.


Storm said...

1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

The Word Of God says those without natural affection and all those who support them are worthy of death. It's not some old testment thing.
This verse tells us that homosex is unnatural because its unnatural affection.

J Curtis said...

Thank you for bringing this up Stan.

One item that is never discussed enough in these forums is the virulent form of bigotry as expressed by the homosexual community.

For example, writes in his current article in

"because even one ex-gay proves that homosexual behavior is not innate or immutable, the gay lobby's fear of their former members results in false claims and attacks aimed at preventing homosexuals from exercising their right to self-determination. They cannot bear to have even one homosexual leave homosexuality, hence their outrage at Dr. Bachmann.

I know because I am ex-gay myself. I suffer more harassment as a former homosexual than I ever did as an out and proud homosexual.

The ex-gay community includes thousands of former homosexuals like myself who benefited from counseling. We did not choose our homosexual feelings, but we did exercise our right to seek help to change those feelings. As a registered nurse, I saw hundreds of gay men die of AIDS before I finally left the gay lifestyle...

While the media look the other way, the ex-gay community is being harassed and publicly denounced by unforgiving gay activists because of our unpopular sexual orientation...

Yet ex-gays are not dangerous or deluded as homosexual extremists charge. We are the National Education Association's Ex-Gay Educators Caucus. We are Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays, which successfully sued the District of Columbia government for refusing to recognize former homosexuals in its sexual orientation protections."

Check out the entire article at

Martin said...

The problem, from the homosexual standpoint, is similar to what many Christian conservatives complain about: government legislated virtue.

Christian conservatives complain that being forced to give to the poor by the government is not good, even though giving to the poor is a virtue. Similarly, homosexual want to be allowed to be sinful without being forced not to be by Big Government.

It just seems to me that the conservative stance should be to get Big Government out of people's private lives, such as marriage or enforced virtuous marriage. I simply cannot understand how enforced virtue of this sort can possibly be reconciled with conservatism.

Stan said...

"Similarly, homosexual want to be allowed to be sinful without being forced not to be by Big Government."

That equivalency doesn't seem to hold up: Christians wish to pursue the virtue on their own. Homosexuals have no virtue to pursue. They want protection for wanton behavior. (Actually from a Consequentialist perspective, homosexual behavior would seem to have no positive contribution to make whatsoever).

Not allowing them to marry is not a deprivation of acting out their sinfulness: it merely prevents carrying their deviancy into a previously accurately defined legal category. A man can fornicate with an aardvark without the necessity of having the right to marry one.

The only reasons to declare the "rights" usually reserved for normal behavior is to absolve oneself of responsibility for deviant behavior which could be avoided or changed rather than indulged... or to acquire new benefits. Or both.

The right to marry was not conceived as a government declared virtue. It most likely was originated to prevent first cousins from marrying, and certain genetic defects from propagating. This is of no consequence to gays.

But it expanded when married couples were extended family benefits back when families were mostly intact and were thought to need the tax break. That was social engineering using the taxes. The gays want their share, as well as government bestowed legitimacy... more social engineering with cash value. It is total access that they want, not freedom to sin: they already have that.

Moreover, Gay activists behave very much like union thugs when pursuing their "legitimacy", or when being "deprived" of it. Their Alinsky tactics are destructive and amoral and demonstrate the quality of their underlying virtuousness. Hence their value to society.

Stan said...

Thanks for that...

Anonymous said...

"Sexuality has a teleology, like it or not. Its purpose is procreation, which is encouraged by the obvious pleasure of the heterosexual act"

You assume sexuality was designed without actually providing any evidence. You've assigned sexuality a purpose and assumed it can have no other purpose. You've ignored the other uses of sexuality in nature. (Releasing of chemicals like oxytocin that increase bonding, social structure, etc.) And ignored the prevalence of homosexual acts in the non-human animal kingdom.

Anonymous said...

"Not allowing them to marry is not a deprivation of acting out their sinfulness: it merely prevents carrying their deviancy into a previously accurately defined legal category."

Ah, now we see how your religious views are colouring your presuppositions.

Stan said...

"You've assigned sexuality a purpose..."

I have identified the obvious purpose, which you do not refute by innuendo. Perhaps you would care to make an actual case of refutation? Then we would have something to discuss.

"You've ignored the other uses of sexuality in nature. (Releasing of chemicals like oxytocin that increase bonding, social structure, etc.)"

What is your case for making these side effects a primary purpose? You still have not made an argument.

"And ignored the prevalence of homosexual acts in the non-human animal kingdom."

Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is usually associated with the lack of opposite sex availability, or with group dysfunction. At least that was the last I read on chimpanzees and it is true of cattle. I cannot vouch for all of the animal kingdom, but you do not make a case that it is not aberrant behavior.

"Ah, now we see how your religious views are colouring your presuppositions."

The word "sin" was in response to the previous commenter, who used the word. One must read the entire conversation if one is to pass judgment that is actually applicable.

KK Dowling said...

"Homosexuals have no virtue to pursue. They want protection for wanton behavior."

When you use the word "wanton", do you mean it in the sense of "malicious or unjustifiable" or "without regard for what is morally right or just"?

Martin said...

Since homosexual behavior is seen in all known animal species studied so far, there are some theories that it serves some kind of social cohesion role. Granted, this is very preliminary.

But, if there is human social group teleology, then it could be that homosexual behavior is as much a cog in that machine as a heart is in an individual.

Anonymous said...

Stan attempt to use a "deprived of opportunity for heterosexuality" argument to explain homosexuality amongst the animals. Amongst animals, 'harem-guarding' is the most obvious reason for lack of heterosexual sex.

The problem with this argument is that in many species in which harem-guarding occurs, there is no difference between higher ranking males and lower ranking ones as to the frequency of their homosexual mountings. This has been demonstrated in musk oxen, American bison, and New Zealand sea lions among others.

Among female homosexual pairs of Japanese macaques and Hanuman langurs engaging in homosexual behaviors, males approaching the pair may be threatened or even attacked.

When homosexual bonding does occur in the absence of opposite sex pairs, members of such a pair often resist attempts to 'convert' them back into heterosexual relationships. Even when deprived of their bonded partner, white-fronted Amazon parrots will not revert, and long-eared hedgehogs have refused heterosexual partners for as long as two and a half years, much of their natural lifetime. In the case of Stellar's sea eagles and female barn owls, both housed without opposite sexed members of their species, homosexual pair bonds among females were strong enough that when inseminated, they coparented the chicks that resulted.

Homosexual bonds can be tight. Among male rhesus macaques, crab-eating macaques, bottlenosed dolphins, cheetahs and black-headed gulls with homosexual bonded partners, the members of the pair exhibited considerable distress at being separated from their partners. In all cases, the individuals ignored opposite sex partners offered them, and showed considerable joy and exuberance at the reintroduction of their partners.

Stan said...

The other side of attempting to justify human behavior with samples of animal behavior is that social Darwinism can be justified that way, as can males leaving the females to care for the offspring, not to mention canibalism... if the proper examples are found and used. There are many animal behaviors that humans could but generally don't pursue.

It still appears that homosexuality is far from the norm, given that only 1 to 2% fall into that category, depending on the survey. The arguments for making homosexuality legitimate also apply in general to adult-child sex, massive polygamies, necrophilia and likely other practices which are out of the norm but which could be justified by animal comparison, and/or non-discrimination by fiat, and/or ethical relativity.

Stan said...

KK, my intent for the word wanton was to mean excessive practice without regard to consequence.

Wanton, adj.
1. originally, undisciplined; unmanageable.
8. reckless; heedless; with an utter disregard of right or consequences...
Webster's Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd Ed., 1979, Simon & Schuster."

Stan said...

"But, if there is human social group teleology, then it could be that homosexual behavior is as much a cog in that machine as a heart is in an individual."

There is social cohesion amongst the mafia; yet it is not legalized because of that, nor is that a legitimizing feature. And it is doubtful that social bonding is the primary purpose of indulging in homosexuality; at best it is a distant side-effect. Much homosexual behavior is totally anonymous, between two individuals who never meet again.

K.K. Dowling said...

"The other side of attempting to justify human behavior with samples of animal behavior is that social Darwinism can be justified that way... not to mention canibalism(sic)...

Appeal to consequences with a dash of slippery slope on the side. The animal behavior shows homosexuality is natural.

Mr. Hobo said...

Now that you mention it, when I was 13 I noticed there were frequently more gay characters on tv, and a lot of talk about homosexuality. I looked to my slightly younger sister and said, "Geez, has everyone gone gay crazy?!"

That also reminds me: When I was 10, my sister and I pretended her Tinky-Winky doll was flaming.

Good times.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe, Mr Hobo, you became more aware of sexuality when you turned 13.

Stan said...

So I developed this knowledge/ethics/homosexuality argument and my computer was seized (again) by another virus before I could touch it up for publication.

Computer to shop. Over & out.

Nick Andrew said...

"Homosexuals still want to be considered a normal lifestyle,"


"one which they cannot avoid,"


"being locked somehow into a sexual type, that of homosexuality."

No. Human sexuality is way more complicated than that. There's a spectrum, from complete homosexuality to complete heterosexuality. See the Kinsey report, Klein Sexual Orientation Grid and "Sexual orientation as a continuous variable: A comparison between the sexes" (Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol 16 No 6).

"Over the past several decades since the discovery of DNA the attempts to connect homosexuality to a mutation in some sort of sexual developmental gene have not shown genetic lock-in to be the case."

This is true so far as I am aware, however there are many studies which show a correlation between sexuality and pre-natal environment. Examples:

"Review and theory of handedness, birth order, and homosexuality in men" (Blanchard R, 2008, Laterality)

"Two hypotheses on the causes of male homosexuality and paedophilia" (James WH, 2006, J Biosoc Sci). This one hypothesizes a correlation between child sexual assault and later homosexuality or paedophilia; although critical of the pre-natal hypothesis it is also out of line with your assertion that homosexuality is a choice to lead a deviant lifestyle.

"Minireview: Hormones and Human Sexual Orientation" (Balthazart J, 2011 June 21, Endocrinology). I will quote from the abstract:

"Many people believe that sexual orientation (homosexuality vs. heterosexuality) is determined by education and social constraints. There are, however, a large number of studies indicating that prenatal factors have an important influence on this critical feature of human sexuality. Sexual orientation is a sexually differentiated trait (over 90% of men are attracted to women and vice versa). In animals and men, many sexually differentiated characteristics are organized during early life by sex steroids, and one can wonder whether the same mechanism also affects human sexual orientation. Two types of evidence support this notion. First, multiple sexually differentiated behavioral, physiological, or even morphological traits are significantly different in homosexual and heterosexual populations. Because some of these traits are known to be organized by prenatal steroids, including testosterone, these differences suggest that homosexual subjects were, on average, exposed to atypical endocrine conditions during development. Second, clinical conditions associated with significant endocrine changes during embryonic life often result in an increased incidence of homosexuality. It seems therefore that the prenatal endocrine environment has a significant influence on human sexual orientation but a large fraction of the variance in this behavioral characteristic remains unexplained to date."

You wrote: "But since homosexuality has no known physical causation, then it must be either mental or maybe even cultural." Citation required.

Your homophobia is noted, as is your lack of empathy for fellow human beings.

Stan said...

”No. Human sexuality is way more complicated than that. There's a spectrum, from complete homosexuality to complete heterosexuality. See the Kinsey report, Klein Sexual Orientation Grid and "Sexual orientation as a continuous variable: A comparison between the sexes" (Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol 16 No 6).”

You are kidding I presume. Kinsey used incarcerated deviants as models for acceptable behavior. And your following examples contradict the spectrum hypothesis.

”"Two hypotheses on the causes of male homosexuality and paedophilia" (James WH, 2006, J Biosoc Sci). This one hypothesizes a correlation between child sexual assault and later homosexuality or paedophilia; although critical of the pre-natal hypothesis it is also out of line with your assertion that homosexuality is a choice to lead a deviant lifestyle.”

I gave three possible categories of cause: physical (DNA); acculturation; mental. At no point did I claim it to be a choice. What I claimed was that none of those causes could be used to claim that homosexual behavior is normal and therefore legitimate. And why do you consider the conflation of homosexuality with paedophilia to be a positive factor in declaring homosexuality to be a normal, emulatable behavior?

”one can wonder whether the same mechanism also affects human sexual orientation. Two types of evidence support this notion. First, multiple sexually differentiated behavioral, physiological, or even morphological traits are significantly different in homosexual and heterosexual populations. Because some of these traits are known to be organized by prenatal steroids, including testosterone, these differences suggest that homosexual subjects were, on average, exposed to atypical endocrine conditions during development.”

This is not evidence, it is an hypothesis without supporting data of any type. The cause is presumed, not proven.

”Second, clinical conditions associated with significant endocrine changes during embryonic life often result in an increased incidence of homosexuality. It seems therefore that the prenatal endocrine environment has a significant influence on human sexual orientation but a large fraction of the variance in this behavioral characteristic remains unexplained to date."

They produced homosexuality clinically? By making “significant” endocrine changes to embryonic life? Why do I doubt that this was done on humans? This is the same as saying that “significant” exposure to water can kill you.
But more to the point, if that actually is the case, then homosexuality is a material deviation from the norm, i.e. not normal: there is (hypothetically) a physical pathology attached to it. Thus there can be no case made that homosexuality is normal behavior, legitimate by normal standards, and to be considered a protected class of behavior which should be referred to class rooms of children as desirable lifestyles and role models.

Stan said...

(continued from above)

”You wrote: "But since homosexuality has no known physical causation, then it must be either mental or maybe even cultural." Citation required.

Actually a refutation is required from you, if you have one. If you have a possible cause that is not nature, nurture, or mental defect, then what is it? I will consider it.

However, the position I was taking is the position that homosexuals take themselves in order to argue for the legitimacy of their behaviors: if the behaviors are genetic defects, then their behaviors are neither normal nor legitimate nor admirable. The non-physical cause for homosexuality is a necessary argument in attempting to legitimize the behavior.

”Your homophobia is noted, as is your lack of empathy for fellow human beings.”

Your Ad Hominem is not even supported by the statement you reference. Your hate speech seems based on the concept that the homosexual class cannot be analyzed or criticized because it is protected behavior – normal and legitimate. This violates not just the First Amendment, it violates common sense as I demonstrated above. The non-discrimination defense fails at all levels. The aggressive promotion of homosexuality as a normal and legitimate lifestyle fails at all levels. If logical analysis is homophobia, then homosexuality is non-logical and irrational.

Compassion based on false inputs is misguided. Based on your hypothesis, above, homosexuals and pedophiles should be given the physical assistance necessary to combat their physical pathology. This would help them remove themselves from the destructive lifestyles they lead. False compassion merely keeps them trapped in their pathology. Compassion, as defined by the Left, is generally an ideological concept without a practical analog which survives logical scrutiny.

Mark said...

There is a tremendous body of science behind non-choice/non-social conditioning related causes of sexual behavior.

Relationship between prenatal stress and homosexuality in rats.

Prenatal stress as possible factor in human male homosexuality.

Difference in the brain between homosexual and heterosexual males, and corresponding similarity between homosexual males and heterosexual females.

Sorry about digging up an old post.

Stan said...

No problem, some topics remain current...

This would seem to support the pathology hypothesis.

Mark said...

Where do we draw the line between deviation from the norm and pathological condition?

Stan said...

Under the DSM there is no possible way to classify homosexuality as a disorder of its own. All accompanying symptoms have been reassigned to other disorders. The orientation of homosexuality is not a disorder if it has no accompanying symptoms. For example, the high percentage of suicidal tendencies among homosexuals is not related to their orientation any longer, it is now related to depression, which is a separate disorder.

In this case, the pathology might be seen as medical rather than psychological. But in our society it likely never again will be seen as pathological despite its numerical deviancy from heterosexuality.

Mark said...

I agree. The DSM bends to social conditions.

In what ways is the modern "leftist" homosexuality damaging?

Stan said...

Homosexual activism is bent on establishing thought crime punishment for anyone who crosses them; it is completely destructive to any "virtue ethic" except for lefitst "virtues"; it places all behaviors into a continuum running from normal to normal, with no behavior as objectionable... except for objecting to it (bigotry).

Pedophilia is next up for normalization; the APA is considering it now.

The Consequentialization of psychiatry will be codified, as has been homophilia. This sounds rash; but when I was young, the government protection of homosexuality, and promotion of homosexuality in schools was unthinkable. As were thought crime laws. Now here they are.

Mark said...

I'm not sure about placing "all behaviors into a continuum running from normal to normal, with no behavior as objectionable," but bigotry seems to emerge whenever a group declares itself exclusive to the moral high ground.

Maybe it's a necessary evil in the process of acculturation.

Could you expand what you mean by "virtue ethic"?