Monday, November 7, 2011

From PZ's Place: Leslie Klug, USA, on Why I Am An Atheist:

I am an atheist because the god stories I was raised with (Protestant Christianity) were so contrived. The story of Christ having to live here as a man, be persecuted for his philosophy, tortured and killed, then resurrected and returning to heaven just so we, his creation, could go to heaven is ridiculous.

If there is a god and he’d have periodic communication with humanity explaining the rules for entry into heaven, I’d go along with it. Asking me to believe a multi-thousands of years old collection of books which claim there is a god is just not going to do it for me. On top of it, this book collection (Bible) tells stories which are supernatural (talking snakes, great flood, parting of the sea) which go against the “rules” of the natural world which this god was supposed to have created.

It would take me multiple pages to describe all the scientific evidence against a creator and I am not even a scientist. I don’t get comfort from stories. I get comfort from facts.

Leslie Klug
United States

Klug makes the following points:
1. The Jesus story is ridiculous.
No facts here, just opinion.
2. A believable God would have Town Halls.
No facts here, just opinion.
3. Old books aren’t convincing
No facts here, just opinion.
4. Supernatural events go against natural laws of physics.
Yes, that’s why they are super-natural. This charge indicates Philosophical Materialism.
5. Klug enjoys facts; there are multiple pages of scientific evidence against a creator.
Without the evidence he claims, this is an empty charge. This charge indicates scientism. Plus wishful thinking and/or ignorance of actual scientific limits

Summary: no indication of the age of conversion; emphasis on Material evidence under Philosophical Materialism.


JazzyJ said...

Thanks, Stan. I really enjoy these posts.

Stan said...

You're welcome. I'm enjoying them too.