Saturday, March 16, 2013

You Are Here: The State of State Control

A graphical representation of our position in history is given at Zero Hedge. The relative positioning is related to the books, "1984", by George Orwell, and "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. These books were not required reading in school back when they came out, yet everyone I knew read them and discussed them along with Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies amongst many others. I don't know if the subsequent generations of maleducated and low information Americans have read them, or have even heard of them. I doubt they are on youtube or are mentioned by the comics from which the Left gets their information to live by. These books are not about rainbows and tolerance of absolutely everything but criticism. Well, they sort of are, actually, except for rainbows.

On a semirelated note, Bill Mahr is threatening to bolt from California due to taxes... But Bill, taxes are the blood flow of the Left; you gotta love taxes! Wait, I get it. Taxes are for other people: for the masses.

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