Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Having Seen Tyrants...

...a Cuban blasts the Leftists in Oregon: “You don't know what freedom is!”

From Daylight Disinfectant, a copy of the testimony:

My name is Manuel Martinez. Born in Cuba. American Citizen for more than 40 years. I oppose any manipulation, any regulation or disruption of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

In 1957 a Revolution … individuals … malicious individuals, masquerading as Democrats, revolutionaries, established a regime … a dictatorial regime … in my nation. Called Communism, Socialism, Stalinism, Marxism, and whatever other named -ism you want to put on it. The reason why it was done was to take away the guns from the People. The right of the People to wear guns. That is a God-given Right. It’s not given by anybody. It’s not given by any group. It’s the same thing as freedom, which is a God-given Right. And no one, absolutely no one, has the authority to take it away. To cease to defend the Second Amendment, and my God-given Right of freedom, will cease only with my death.

I’ve been through it. I’ve been there. You people don’t know what freedom is because you never lost it. You haven’t been tortured. You haven’t been [sic] assassinations, you haven’t been mothers begging for the life of their son not to be killed because the only reason is they wanted to be free. And they killed the mothers and they killed the son.

So my way to protest, the way to oppose, because if we keep tangling with the Second Amendment, we are open the same way that Cuba was open for Communism. China, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Venezuela, on and on. A dictatorial regime that will destroy this country, in the same way that it destroyed those ones that I mentioned to you.

Gun Control does not protect anybody. It doesn’t protect the citizens, it doesn’t protect the People. The only reason for gun control is for the Government to be protected from the Citizens. In that way the Government can manipulate the People and subjugate them. That’s what’s happened in Cuba for 52 years … 54.

I came here for freedom. At the time I came here it was different. This country opened their arms for me … I couldn’t get it in Cuba. And they opened their arms for me, I probably wouldn’t get it here today. I hope that I get clear with you, and you understand my point of view. I think that concludes my testimony.

Freedom! Freedom!

From Santini:
"Mr. Martinez escaped the brutal Communist regime in Cuba in 1954. His testimony included how citizens under Castro were first disarmed by legislation similar to that being shepherded along by Gun-Grabber in Chief Floyd Prozanski. Defenseless, many Cuban Citizens were later summarily slaughtered.

Having been present at the testimony, I can assure you even the Liberal hacks in the press pool were visibly shaken. The expressions on the Senators faces … well they spoke for themselves (I’ve included a few stll shots here). I’d wager no one in room did not feel a chill up their spine, or a tear in the corner of their eye, as Martinez described scenes of sons being torn from their mothers arms, and shot dead in the street, because they lacked the means to protect themselves. He spoke from the heart: no notes or teleprompter required."

I would not be shocked to learn that the Oregon Leftists had visited Cuba, and came back with glowing reports. There seems to be a steady stream Cuba bound, even from Congress such as the Black Caucus who were mightily impressed with the socialist system imposed on Cubans. If they were no Potemkined, they at least are "useful idiots" in the Potemkin sense. The Leftists will not be fazed by this testimony: it merely is an annoyance and a minor pot hole in the road to socialist dominance. Even "freedom" is an annoyance to those who pursue Positive Rights for the Other: order trumps freedom in every socialist's mind.


Bible said...

13 Submit yourselves to every government of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king as supreme,
14 or unto governors as unto those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do well.
15 For so is the will of God, that with welldoing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men”
16 as free, and not using your liberty as a cloak for maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
18 Slaves, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh.

Stan said...

To: whoever quoted 1 Peter 2:18:

If you believe that, then you should do that. (v18)

And if you believe that, then you also probably believe that Obama has been instituted to punish the USA (v15).

However, it is possible that you are an Atheist troll who throws bible exerpts around attempting to confound literalists. Atheists always take the bible totally literally.

Throwing out bible verses without comment as to what you think they mean is not a logical argument (or even illogical argument), it is merely throwing stuff from behind the skirt of anonymity.

There is actually much to discuss (theologically) in those verses; that should be done on a Christian theological site. This site analyzes Atheism.