Sunday, May 26, 2013

How the Scouts Will Die

My bro-in-law the lawyer has been involved in Scouting for four decades, and he relates this process of slow death for the Boy Scouts.

It should be clear that the idea of being morally pure is an idea which has been demolished, along with any concepts of moral responsibility and consequences of immoral behavior. Homosexual assaults on the culture have done away with such antiquated notions. In the moral void and the culture of tolerating all behaviors along the spectrum of possible human behaviors, sexual predation will occur. When post-adolescents are adjacent to pre-adolescents, the predation will be homosexual. (This is not to say that the Boy Scouts have not been targeted by homosexual pedophiles in the past: they have been, and a number of them have been caught and punished).

At some point a 16 year old homosexual Scout will assault a 10 year old Scout; the lawsuits will begin, at first against the individual Scout leaders, then against the insurance companies. After the first suit there will be many others, valid or not. The insurance companies will back away from Scouts and the leaders and potential leaders will back away from Scouting in order to avoid charges of enabling pedophilia – it will happen. Parents will not allow their children to share tents with homosexuals and the number of scouts will fall, as happened in Canada. Homosexual scouts will be shown favoritism in order to demonstrate the new Tolerance of the BSA.

Further, a homosexual Scout must now abandon Scouting at the age of 18, because homosexuals cannot be leaders under the new position. The homosexual Scout who attains adulthood is overtly considered to be a potential predator. How many lawsuits will that generate?

The troop my brother-in-law was involved in has just been dissolved in response to this. It was the largest troop in the region. Its assets will go to other, charitable, organizations and its remaining hard assets such as tents, buses, camp gear, etc will be auctioned off. There will be no remaining equivalent organization for young males in the area, although a few small homosexual friendly troops might remain. The homosexual assault on the straight community has been successful.

While only time will tell whether this is a national trend, the potential for leaders to be named in pedophilia lawsuits cannot help but be a chilling thought. And investors and insurers must also be having second thoughts about supporting an organization which has chucked its moral basis in order to appear culturally correct and Tolerant.


Steven Satak said...

Wait. You mean the troop self-dissolved to avoid potential lawsuits? I take it this was on the advice of a lawyer? Or were they sued and dissolved as a means of dealing with the fallout?

Can you name the troop and area without causing any problems? This is a serious matter. I was in Scouting as a boy and young man. It did not mean much to me at the time other than a tiresome series of camping expeditions, but I was always a house-bound geek anyway.

Being required to associate with campers and those who love woodcraft, having to learn stuff like that even when I never camped myself as an adult - it did me good. That is with almost 40 years of hindsight, true.

But it remains true nonetheless. What are the scouting leaders thinking?

Rikalonius said...

From the moment I heard the news I knew the implication. It is similar to the military. By merely allowing the presence of overtly gay scouts, you drive the parents with the "outdated notions" out of the world of scouting. Either they have an ready-made-infrastructure to cultivate their self-destructive culture, or, as in the case of your brother-in-law, the troop folds. Either way, the left wins.

Scouting was a way to foster all those things the left finds detestable. Without that support group it will be harder for parents to find a place of like-minded citizens, away from the toxic influence of the modern school system, where the values of those parents are reinforced outside the home. Now more and more parents will be splintered and unable to associate freely with like-minded people, which is just what the statists want. They want to turn the liberty and civic minded Boy Scouts into the dutiful youth of the new regime.

It is the same with the Military. I read an article a while back by a retired Marine General who stated that the loss of military members due to their disagreement of the elimination of don't ask don't tell will be greater than the potential recruits gained; to which he added, "and I'm sure that is the plan." Get rid of those who don't tow the party line so the military can be realigned and rebuilt with a command structure without those “outdated notions”, thus giving the statists an enforcement apparatus when the hammer finally drops on this experiment we called the Republic of the United States of America.

Stan said...

The potential for lawsuits is 100%. When values are sacrificed to Tolerance, then anything goes, and to keep homosexuals out of tents is no longer even possible. Homosexuality is predicated on the presumption of lack of sexual moral principles.

The decision was contingent upon the decision made by BSA, and was implemented immediately upon the decision to jettison values in favor of Tolerance.

Leaders will be attacked with lawsuits which will drain their bank accounts and leave them with the term "pedophile" on their life history.

And the issue of insurance is paramount: insurance will become prohibitive; you can't run a passel of boys without insurance.

The troop of which I am aware is Troop 80, Amarillo, Texas.

Stan said...

With the demise of the Posse Comitatus restraint, and with the advent of an all-leftist military, things might seem bleak, but still - if they want Tolerance, then they should tolerate. That will present a moral paradox for the sane amongst them.

That sort of cognitive dissonance will drive some of them over to the sane side. Would it be enough to keep the hammer from falling - who knows? It's already starting to fall under Obama (imagine Obama with a Democrat House as well as Democrat Senate and MSM).

AR15's are selling like hot cakes right now. There's even ammo out there, at a price of course. The British regulars were driven out by rag tags with squirrel guns. The Battle of New Orleans (1814) is one of my favorite episodes...

Steven Satak said...

Wow. It didn't take long for the Left to uncork their next attack.

"The Boy Scouts of America would lose tax exempt privileges in California under a bill approved Thursday by the state’s Senate.

“While the Boy Scouts of America took a step in the right direction to include LGBT youth, the standing ban on LGBT adults is premised on absurd assumptions and stereotypes that perpetuate homophobia and ignorance,” California Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach), who authored the Youth Equality Act of 2013, said in a statement.

“Equality doesn't come with an expiration date and we shouldn’t allow discrimination to be subsidized; not in our state, not on our dime.”

Wait, so discriminating in favor of homosexuals is okay, but any other kind is not? You gotta wonder where this argument has been hiding all this time. But now that the Boy Scout leadership has allowed a limp wrist in the door, I suppose it's only to be expected that the rest of the LGBT body come prancing in as well.

I knew this would happen, but had no idea it would take only a week or two.

Stan said...

Back in the '70's there were a lot of psychics claiming that California was going to have a massive earthquake and fall off into the ocean. One waitress I talked to said she had a dream that it would happen on Tuesday. I asked her which Tuesday. She didn't know which Tuesday. So every Monday night I keep hoping.

Dang psychics.

Stan said...

The tax code has been a weapon for generations. It is used to punish achievers and to reward the perpetually indolent. It is a social engineering tool. The code is used to stack taxes on the ultimate consumer, who pays all corporate taxes in the form of price hikes. There should be no taxes at all, except for one flat tax on the human individual, and that tax should be paid to the state, not the Federal Government; the Feds would get their funding from the states, who could withhold funding of any programs they object to.

There should be no property tax, no sales tax, no other fees for gov't services. The government(s) should be forced to live on the one, single flat tax.

This is too fair to ever happen, of course. It would eliminate the Feds ability to bully using taxes.

Steven Satak said...

@Stan: the folks in power, regardless of their ideology, chase one thing: power. Why would they set one of their most useful tools aside just because?

I am completely unsurprised the IRS has been been giving the stink eye to conservative groups shooting for a specific tax status. The really surprising part is that it took folks this long to catch on.

On an unrelated note, I find it tiresome to combat (or even answer back) the Darwinist toadies on Yahoo. Yeah, I know... what did I expect?

Nevertheless, their continuous celebration of a theory (which some of them claim has been observed in the laboratory!) nettles me to the point where I MUST say SOMETHING.

So far my comment has been buried under a mountain of thumbs-down, but at least the dears had to read it before consigning it to oblivion. I am impressed at the ability of those who wave Darwin's wand around to vilify 'religious belief' without being crushed under 16 tons of irony.

Steven Satak said...

Eh, sorry. The Yahoo article mentioned is the one suggesting that new Chinese dinosaur is a missing link bird.

Stan, how many simultaneous beneficial mutations would it require for a ground-bound animal to 'suddenly' become a fully-acclimated airborne predator? And why don't the boys and girls on Yahoo recognize the impassable roadblock this poses for their evolutionary theory?

Stan said...

The necessity for feathered flight is the enormous task of inventing velcro type connections between adjacent feathers, where the anterior part of one feather hooks to the posterior part of the neighboring feather. This is coupled with the necessity for new chest structures and limb modifications, as well as hollow bones with stress structuring, extra muscles for feather control, crops and gizzards, extra breathing apparatus, and different metabolisms etc.

However, bats fly, and that took much less modification.

Evolution is not a science in the same sense that experimental demonstration, falsifiability, replicated to extend non-falsification, and predictability through deductive extension (not just deduction of the theory itself). What this leads to is the belief system that "well, it could have happened", no matter how ridiculous the proposition might be; after all one must consider deep time, as if long periods of time will enable the rationally and probabilistically impossible to become possible - such as life itself from minerals, intellect from electron positions, and free will from a deterministic universe.

These are explained away by denigrating them: there is nothing special about life (life has no essence); there is no actual intellect since there is no conscious control of thoughts; there is no free will, and so on.

These argue against the rationality of the holder of these positions. If the arguments are true, then then the arguer is without any source of credibility.