Sunday, May 19, 2013


With Spring finally here, the work load on the farm is at a peak... which means that posting will be sparse for a short while. I'm not gone, just busy.


Martin said...

I'm envious, because you are getting all those storms. Out here in Los Angeles, it rains about one week out of the year.

Stan said...

Well, we have to keep the weather radio on and the volume turned up due to tornado activity. We've been surrounded by tornados at times. One night several years ago there were 110 tornados in that single night. I'm used to it now, and sleep right through it.

Last year was a drought year: no grass all summer, and the Spring hay crop was less than half. So we had to feed hay all summer long. The heat was brutal, but we have a lot of trees for the cattle to get under, and they drink the same well water that we drink. So the problem was mostly financial - had to truck in hay from neighboring states.

Looks to be much better this year, if the pattern holds.

Martin said...

Yeah, I guess there is the actual danger to consider as well. I like thunderstorms, though. Find them fascinating. It thunders out here about once every three years. I miss it.

Do you have a classic storm shelter, like from Wizard of Oz?

Stan said...

We don't have an underground shelter so we go into the laundry room which has several walls between it and the outer wall. An F5 would take us out.

My dad (in Texas) put in an underground shelter, accessible to the neighbors too. But then he filled it up with junk - another storage room, you see. Hardly room to stand for one person.

A local manufacturer in a town not too far away makes the "tornado turtle", which is a culvert cut in half length-wise and then anchored to the ground somehow. You have to belly into it, but at least you get to lie down for the duration. We don't have one of those either.

We have family up and down tornado alley, which is centered from Oklahoma City, through Tulsa, through here and on up into Illinois and parts east.

I liked living in Oregon's Willamette Valley. No tornados, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, no volcanos (close by anyway), mild temperatures, gentle rain in the winter, sun in the summer. The problem was the Leftist controllocrats who tax the bejabbers out of everyone and put laws onto all behaviors they don't care for. There was one thunderstorm in the seven years we were there, and the one peal of thunder made the front page of the Corvallis newspaper.

Missouri is a much better place to live, freedom-wise, if not weather-wise.

Martin said...

Yes, the West is good, as far as weather and even terrain goes. I love driving on the freeway with mountains and palm trees in the background. I didn't mind Missouri (actually grew up in Alton, IL). It had some good scenery as well, like Hawn State Park, and Johnson's Shut-Ins. Check those out if you haven't already.

BTW: read Feser.