Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sweden and the Consequences of Socialism

The perfect society of Scandinavian socialism is often cited by American leftists as their model and ideal, proof that socialism works and is desirable. All that is threatened by the realities of the consequences which are being lived out in Sweden. Parts of Sweden are being overtaken by white flight from the influx of non-swedes, foreigners with no respect for "being Swedish", and the niceties of socialist rule. While the official excuse for the riots is the "difficulty of transition between cultures", the reality is that culture importation leads to culture clash, especially when the imported culture is Islam, which bends to no other culture. There will be no transition from Sharia to western-style socialism; socialism will either defend itself from Islamic demands, or it will be consumed.
"We have tried harder than any other European country to integrate, spending billions on a welfare system that is designed to help jobless immigrants and guarantee them a good quality of life," said Marc Abramsson, leader of the National Democrats Party. "Yet we have areas where there are ethnic groups that just don't identify with Swedish society. They see the police and even the fire brigade as part of the state, and they attack them. We have tried everything, anything, to improve things, but it hasn't worked. It's not about racism, it's just that multi-culturalism doesn't recognise how humans actually function."

Socialists will continue to dream their dreams of a perfect humanity which behaves with exact and precise compassion and empathy toward all peoples of all ideologies, all humans behaving exactly alike: perfectly equal and without difference. They might even dream of forcing that to happen. But the socialist dream won't happen... unless all those who disagree are summarily eliminated. That process has been demonstrated historically, time and time again.

But the left is not really into actual history, except to modify its recording; the left wants to create a wonderful, new history in the image of their own minds, and without regard to Rights or Freedoms which the Other might cherish. As with Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, and other leftists, they want to create the New Man, and that requires eliminating the Old Man. That is the other half of leftism: eliminating the Old Man. The Swedes are only half leftist, with the second half now coming into play.
"Aje Carlbom, a Swedish academic and author of a critical study into Swedish immigration policy, added that despite the increasing appeal of Far Right parties, mainstream Swedish politicians were still reluctant to even ask the kind of questions that the likes of Mr Abramsson was already offering answers to.
"Anyone who wants to regulate immigration is immediately classified as a nationalist, which also implies a racist as well," he said. "It is still almost impossible to debate this question."

Sweden might have created the New Man, at least temporarily. But the Old Man is coming out of their basements and into their living rooms and onto the streets and behaving just as humans behave when there is "only the carrot and no stick".
"Among them is local youth worker Rami al Khamisi, 25, whose family escaped to Sweden from Saddam Hussein's Iraq back in 1994, smuggling themselves first through Turkey and Russia and then across the Baltic in a fishing boat commandeered by a people smuggler. "I was six years old and the boat was packed with about 60 people," he said. "An old man died, and they threw him in the water because his body was smelling a lot."

That, though, he says, is his only real memory of the hardships of his early life, and as such, he finds it hard to be as thankful as his parents still are to his adopted homeland. "They compare it to Baghdad or Somalia," he said. "But we younger immigrants only really know Sweden, and we just compare our situation to the one around us."

With Stockholm still burning this weekend, though, that may be asking for just a little too much understanding - even in compassionate, generous Sweden."

Swedes take to the streets to defend themselves from immigrants, while the government does not. The government rounds up the Swedish "vigilantes" instead. This seems to be the initiation of anarchy.
"It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.

The police, however, rejected the accusations as unfounded."


Anonymous said...

Here is a douzy: Parking Tickets Issued on Wrecks while Stockholm Burns

I always used to think that Sweden was this big utopia like place with its high standard of living and such. After reading their magazines and watching some of their movies I have come to realize that this is all just a surface level impression. They have got lots of problems.

Steven Satak said...

I think the immigrants are in for a shock. Sweden has a past that is very, very violent. These guys are independent for a reason, just like the Swiss.

It's gonna take time, but I have a feeling that the immigrants who refuse to assimilate will soon discover they've gone too far.

Steven Satak said...

You know, it just occurred to me that Star Trek is our perfect Socialist, Rationalist future. I love the ships, love the gadgets, but I never liked ST:TNG (well, there were one or two exceptions) and the whole slew of follow-ups were equally snore-inducing.

Just too much sweet reason, coupled with a complete ignoring of the past ten thousand years of human behavior. I could not suspend my disbelief there and I can't do it now for the Sweden-worshipping hippies who pass for the Left these days.

Rikalonius said...

Just look at the Boston bombings as an example of this mentality in America. Government apparatchiks at news organizations like Chris Matthews where salivating for it to be a "right wing" or "tea party" attached perpetrator. They probably couldn't sleep for days dreaming about the ways that the Obama administration would unleash the DHS on any affiliated group (as it turns out they were doing just that with the IRS anyway).

When it predictably turned to out to be attached to Islam, with Chechen immigrants as the perpetrators, the same talking heads went strangely, but not surprisingly, silent.

In England, police have arrested Kevin Carroll for anti-Islamic statements made on Facebook following the third world style murder in broad daylight of a British soldier.Yet police will turn a blind eye to "groomers" Islamic men who manipulate English women in prostitution, and likewise ignore the Sharia patrols of bat wielding men in Muslim heavy neighborhoods who run around enforcing Sharia law.

It makes me sick to see evil flourish while righteousness is mocked and ridiculed.