Friday, June 21, 2013

Is Chelsea Clinton an Argument For Abortion?

Incredibly, she thinks so. Her "her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

For those Choicers who read this, maybe the concept should be explained: You see, if Chelsea's grandmother had been aborted, Chelsea wouldn't be here... Oh never mind. Ignoring their corrupt "moral sensibilities", Choicers aren't into common sense, either. Barbara Boxer made the same sort of comment, complaining that her mother didn't have Choice to kill her off.

There is a theory that Leftists will kill off their future Leftist constituents by abortion if not by other means; but of course they will import more constituents from south of the border to take up that slack. Can they import them faster than they kill them? Probably, even considering Fast and Furious attempts to kill off the imports.


Rikalonius said...

Fast and Furious backfired. It wasn't so much an attempt to kill off the imports as arm them to kill Americans so that those deaths could be blamed on guns, and the potential resistors of the southern invasion, perpetrated by our Congress, would not be opposed by the pesky citizenry.

Whateverman said...

This shotgun approach to generating traffic wont work, Stan, because it's transparently pathetic. Throw out as many generalizations and stereotypes, and hope one sticks well enough to elicit a response.

You can tell from the frequency of MY posts here that your approach isn't responsible for this comment.

no name said...

Oh I get it. Anti-choicers think abortion is all Planed Parenthood does. It's actually 3% of what they do.

Stan said...

As usual, your comments have no content. If you wish to refute something then you will have to actually address it.

Stan said...

no name,
Planned Parenthood is by far the major killer of preborns. That number has exceeded 50,000,000 dead, most of which are at the hands of Planned Parenthood.

When the taxpayer subsidizes Planned Parenthood, they are able to generate ever more killings of preborns. And the taxpayers paid Planned Parenthood half a billion dollars in the past year. Planned Parenthood gets no oversight for its abbatoirs; it is highly doubtful that any numbers coming from them are meaningful, except to the credulous.

Steven Satak said...

..."because it's transparently pathetic."

Heh.Whateverman steps in, makes a blanket pronouncement with absolutely no supporting evidence whatsoever, throws in an ad hominem and then - hey presto! - slides back out again - even as he/she assures us again that Stan's purported shotgun approach 'isn't responsible for this comment'.

You are a poster child for the garden variety atheist, Whateverman. Your vaguely insulting comments are typical of the sign left by such creatures. There is nothing to your post beyond "Nuh UH!" once all the ten-dollar words cancel out.

As that is how you view the world, I am not surprised. But thank you for the demonstration. We now have one more calibrating comment with which to recognise the mark of the VOID.