Sunday, July 14, 2013

Juxtaposition: Farm Bill vs Leftist Hysteria

Forbes on the Farm Bill

Liberals go ballistic

Three Obsevations About the Left and Civility


Steven Satak said...

Ay, caramba. Can you believe the flap and scream? Can you believe the double standard? Can you believe they don't see it and respond indignantly with insults and posturing?

And progressives are supposed to be more intelligent than the rest of us. Yeah, sure. Right.

American said...

Ha! No food for poor people is a problem that solves itself. Easy.
Next let's pray that they get rid of all those socialist tax breaks and "support" and protectionist junk that farmers get. The American farmer is a socialist and most don't even know it! If they had to compete on a free market we'd be getting our food from Mexico! I'm sick of the government propping up these people.

Stan said...

First,I suspect that if it were actually easy, you'd have told us how to do it.

Second, you obviously know nothing about American farming and the source of your food. Only corporate welfare farmers get those bucks. Average small farmers (a couple, whose farm working member is approximately 60 y.o.) are forced to pay retail for their inputs, and take less than wholesale for their outputs. They are the victims of a rigged system, not socialists. They are not compensated for losses due to weather, unless it is for corn or soybeans, and then hardly.

Your ridicule is misplaced. Take a look at commodity markets before you attack farmers.

no name said...

A said: "Ha! No food for poor people is a problem that solves itself. Easy."

Stan said: "First,I suspect that if it were actually easy, you'd have told us how to do it."

American's statement means they will die and so the problem will be solved.