Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Response to R Regarding Charges of Racism: The "Nigger" Narrative Explored

There is no doubt that racists do show up sometimes on in the politically conservative end of the spectrum. The moral outrage of those at the perpetually-offended end of the spectrum does lead to some interesting instances. So we will examine the charges of "racism" made by “R”.

After perusing a number of on-line tee shirt sites (something I have never done before) and searching on "nigger", I conclude that there are four sorts of "nigger" shirts available:
(1) "nigger pride” shirts;

(2) black anti-Semitic;

(3) white supremacist;

(4) amoral hedonist/rebellion (emotionally juvenile);
Perhaps there are others which I have not found in my brief search. None of these categories reflect Republican or Tea Party sentiments, which are specifically anti-racist.

Now let’s address these accusations:

(1) Tea Party leader with “Niggar” sign. And this complaint: ” If all these were just left-wingers trying to discredit the right, why did the people at the rallies not confront these people?”

First, he was booted from the event for this infraction; he was not a "leader". Second, the sign made no reference to blacks, it referred to ALL taxpayers being treated as the black slaves were treated: i.e. the oppression of all Amercans are being made equal to the oppression of blacks as “niggers”. It actually admits to the connection of the word "nigger" to oppression. That doesn’t excuse it however, because it did violate the “thought prison” of Political Correctness (whites may not use the "N word", only blacks may do so and in the face of whites), and he was removed by tea Party officials. Most all Tea Party groups welcome blacks (show me one that does not), and many have black members and welcome black speakers. The racism charge against Tea Party groups is a desperate smear.

(2) “You think liberals sell Obama Nigger Tshirts in conservative web-stores?”

Of course not. They sell them in the amoral, rebellion oriented web-stores, and the black pride and black racist stores.

(3) ”You think right-wing leaders are secret liberal plants?”

Of course not. Only the race baiters, such as already outlined. Almost no “right wing leaders” are actually racist; if they were, HuffPo would die of its own orgasms while trying to get them all into print.

(4) Jim Giles uses the forbidden term “nigger-rigging”, gets laughs.

The term “nigger-rigging” is an antique term with racist undertones, which has been replaced with the more acceptable term “jury-rigging” since around the mid-1970s iirc. The term was in wide use in the 1950s and 60s, and had come to mean something along the line of “half-assed” or “poorly conceived and executed”. It was so common that the racist undertone was lost to the contextual concept of being poorly done – BUT, the word "nigger" became the sacred property of the black community for their own use only, so the term was consciously changed, voluntarily, by nearly all of the population. Jim Giles appears to have unconsciously reached into the dim recesses of his vocabulary and pulled out the antique term inappropriately. Was he referring to black people? Obliquely, yes. Were the laughs due to racism or due to the unexpected demonstration of his out-of-touch cultural blindness? What can you actually prove? What do you want to believe?

The consequences for Giles include this:
”A Republican lawmaker has added his voice to those criticizing Gile for his remarks. State Rep. J.R. Claeys (R-Salina) said that Gile's remark and the fact that it was backed up during the meeting raises concerns about the county government, which he called "dysfunctional." He also said that Gile's attempt to use his age to mask the comment is unacceptable, noting that people should know that the term he used is discriminatory.”

Now the question is this: why did a rural county commissioner in puckerbush Kansas make the HuffPo headline? Is it because this person represents the Narrative of Endemic White Racism? Of course it is.

(5) “Yellowstone County Republicans make "Obama traps" out of watermelons?”

The plural is false; a single person had this on her facebook page for a short time. She is Jennifer Olsen, chairman of the local Tea Party.

Here is the knee jerk reaction of condemnation from the Left:
Daily Kos: ”A Republican Party with a heart and a brain and a sense of honor would have immediately booted Olsen out of her county post and offered Montanans and the president an apology. But then a Republican Party with a heart and a brain and a sense of honor wouldn't be the Republican Party.”
Here is a more legitimate record of actual reactions, via the Billings Gazette:

First reaction:
”Central committee members, in a statement released Friday, said Olsen has received death threats.
Second reaction:
”The committee is looking into whether Olsen made the post, after which it will decide whether or not to ask Olsen to resign.”

Third reaction:
“In no way, shape, or form do the Yellowstone County Republicans condone nor accept the use of stereotypes by members in either their personal or political lives,” reads a statement from John Quandt, Yellowstone County Republican Central Committee vice chairman. “The committee investigates any allegation made against a member and due to the sensitivity of the subject matter, we are approaching the situation methodically.

The statement goes on to point out that of the 1,000 or so people, or “friends,” who follow Olsen on Facebook, none have corroborated the post.”

Fourth reaction:
”Yellowstone County Republican Chairwoman and Tea Party organizer Jennifer Olsen won’t seek re-election, a decision made weeks after she was accused of posting a racist image on Facebook.

In an email, Olsen told members of the Yellowstone Republican Central Committee that she needed more time for her personal relationships and work as a petroleum engineer in the Bakken oil field in North Dakota.”

Olsen contends that the image was fabricated by someone else. The Facebook episode didn’t affect a decision the chairwoman said she has been considering for months.

“In a position like this you can never make everyone happy," she said. "There will always be those who try and discredit your hard work in one way or another."

Olsen was subsequently busted by another Tea Party member, Russ Hart. I don't know if the Tea Party will sanction Olsen, but she appears to expect it by purging herself.

Further incidents of racism:
” Gile is not the first Republican to find himself in hot water in the last year over racially tinged remarks. In 2012, Inge Marler, a Tea Party leader in rural Arkansas,was forced to step down after making a racist joke during a rally. The Montana Republican Party was criticized for having a bullet-riddled outhouse marked as the "Obama Presidential Library" at its state convention also in 2012.”

The racist joke resulted in the end of the “little old gray haired lady” who made the joke, as far as the Tea Party goes. So this reflects on the Tea Party, how?

The "outhouse” gag was juvenile, but hardly racist since it could have been made against anyone of any race, certainly anyone from the Missouri Ozarks for example. It is declared racist because Obama is half white and half black, and racism is the Narrative of Messiahism and Victimhood vs. Opressors.

In every anecdotal case which is quoted (obscure county pols for the most part), consequences for racist anecdotes have been meted out to the offenders, as the Conservatives purge those elements from their midst. These obscure cases have been given value far, far beyond their importance and without any actual acknowledgment of the real consequences which occured. They are desperation attempts to find the racism which the Left desperately needs to exist in their critics.

Do these incidents point to policies of oppression and murder of blacks by Tea Parties? Any Tea Party, anywhere? Do they compare to the racist Democrat insistence that blacks remain inferior and MUST have government help, being incapable themselves as a race, especially by giving lower standards to blacks, and racial preferences? Do they compare to the black on black ghetto violence and the perpetuation of black poverty by supplying it with government support, just enough to maintain it? Do they compare to the massive slaughter of unborn blacks in ghetto abbatoirs?

Alveda King:
"Oh, God, what would Martin Luther King, Jr., who dreamed of having his children judged by the content of their characters do if he’d lived to see the contents of thousands of children’s skulls emptied into the bottomless caverns of the abortionists pits?"

The Democrat claim that they are the only ones who care about blacks is easily refuted by simply looking at their top down policies. What they have created and fight to maintain is a co-dependent relationship with a black ghetto-plantation which they must preserve at all costs if they are to remain in power. Blacks absolutely MUST be convinced that they are oppressed by those who espouse equality in opportunity, especially the opportunity for decent, non-government-Narrative full education, so that they can compete on a level field. Blacks MUST be convinced that welfare and abortion are good for them, and their foul consequences are really due to white oppression somehow. Blacks MUST be convinced that due to the vague and anecdotal racism which is presented highly visibly as characteristic of whites, they, the blacks caught in the Democrat plantation web, have the moral imperative somehow. So both the Leftists and their Victims think they have moral outrage on their side, so moral outrage is their method of thought.

I have been influenced by the mountains of evidence that the Left believes in their Narrative more than in objective truth, and it lies virtually constantly about virtually everything in defending the Narrative.

For example, the charge that George Zimmerman is white and therefore he is racist Actually, he is one quarter black, the remainder hispanic - hardly qualifying for the Leftist pejorative categorization of "white". He lives with two black female children, has supported neighborhood black victims in the past, hardly qualifies for the pejorative "racist".

For example, the Left pretends to care about ghetto blacks by maintaining them, barely, in their ghetto plantations. And they deny the consequences of that, blaming the always ephemeral white racism instead.

For example, the influential Leftists condemn all whites [see Daily Kos, above] - except for white Leftist overlords - as racist since those non-Leftist, Other whites think that blacks should be considered equal, treated as equals, educated equally outside of the government narrative of perpetual black inferiority, and compete as equals just like there were no racism involved. Guess who objects to that as “racist”? Here's who: the entire Democrat establishment, which includes nearly the entire US government, as well as the ghetto plantation blacks. So a race is permanently installed in squalor and violence and reverse racism against whites.

The attempt to smear all of the Constitutionally-inclined Tea Parties as racist is absolutely necessary if the Left is to maintain its plantations and eugenic programs.

The moral outrage attached to these incidents is indicative of the total intolerance of the Left as the Leftist Narrative is pursued blindly and vigorously. Far from race-blind or stereotype-blind, the Left classifies people into categories in order to apply "social justice" top down to those groups.

Thomas Sowell:
"The kind of collective justice demanded for racial or ethnic groups is often espoused as "social justice," but could more aptly be called cosmic justice, since it seeks to undo disparities created by circumstances, as well as those created by the injustices of human beings. Moreover, cosmic justice not only extends form individuals to groups, it extends behond contemporary groups to intertemporal abstractions, of which today's groups are conceived as being the current embodiments".
Sowell; Intellectuals and Race, p107.

Whites will always be purposefully conceived as racist so long as there are blacks to serve as the Victims in need of Leftist Messiahs. The Messiahs NEED both categories: blacks who cannot themselves overcome their Victimhood, and whites who are perpetually cast as racist Oppressors. Both stereotypes are false, but necessary to the Left. Hence the Left lies.

Kevin Jackson:
"As I indicated earlier, I learned that George Washington Carver wasn't the only black inventor; there were MANY. And our inventions and discoveries many times revolutionized America. I can't capture the emotions that flowed through me, and the sense of pride that I felt for my culture in my daily discoveries. I considered how keeping this information from blacks had created a void that simply could never be filled. Without this foundation, we would constantly look to validate ourselves, in much the same way as earlier in this book when I spoke of a child growing up without his parents. Who am I? Who are we? Sadly, most of us still don't know.

Keeping information about blacks' contributions to America from whites allows racial stereotypes to linger and spread. Whites need to know these things too. When the world is constantly telling you that blacks are criminals [or inferior], that's what you begin to believe, regardless of the color of your skin. Lenin was right - lies become truth over time.

At that certain point in my life, I began to think that this lack of education for blacks in our culture was (and continues to be) a conspiracy by Democrats."

Kevin Jackson, "The Big Black Lie: How I Learned The Truth About The Democrat Party", p79

Note 1: the black authors quoted above have all been called some version of "uncle Tom" or "not black enough" by the Leftist defenders of the Narrative, seeking to minimize their opposition with racial stereotyping. For insight into black racism, I recommend Jackson's book.

Note 2: The effect of subsidizing poverty:


Stan said...

Race Nationalism is a strange type of hate. There are few pure races left, for one thing. Hispanic is one notion which demonstrates that, with all sorts of racial inputs to that particular category, to the point that the derivation of one’s name can indicate his racial identity, rather than any sort of pedigree. And of course there are both racial Jews and converted Jews, so identifying as a Jew is insufficient to determine racial heritage. So racial nationalism seems pointless from that standpoint.

On the other hand, the fight against American nationalism has become a fight against the exceptionalism of the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Actual American nationalism was demonstrated by the Marshall Plan after WWII, when the USA reconstructed demolished nations and restored their freedoms and self-government. Since then the USA has engaged in both valid and non-valid escapades militarily, and there are those who despise the USA for its non-valid wars. There are two things that can make a war non-valid: wars solely for self-interest at the expense of the opponent; and wars which are not terminated in the restoration of a proper culture for the opponent. For example the first war in Iraq might – in retrospect – have left a more suitable government for that culture than the subsequent war: some cultures do not appreciate democratic principles since they are totalitarian cultures religiously as well as politically.

Ignoring that sort of nationalism, however, there are race nationalists who base their concept of moral Good solely on whatever they perceive their own racial heritage to be: white supremicists, black panthers, La Raza, etc. In the extreme, that leads to the suppression of rights for all non-members of that particular race. It leads to the Nietzschean “Will To Power” and the application of force to suppress their perceived enemies. We seem to be at that point in American government, politically.
(continued below)

Stan said...

Any worldview that involves the exclusion or suppression of other humans or categories of humans due to the faux morality of racial purity is totalitarian in nature, and if one believes in freedom, then that worldview must be considered dangerous to oneself, including to the point of being evil in nature.

That said, American exeptionalism has been created by a specific worldview worth defending. But it is not exclusive, it invites all humans to join in its creations, ambitions and freedoms. To defend it however, requires head-to-head confrontation with the totalitarians who are taking it over.

As far as hating Jews, that is old hat, it’s been done to death, literally. It is a cheap hate to generate, because Jews tend to excel wherever they live, and that generates envy in the nonproductive, dependent class which doesn’t care to compete for its largesse. It is greed in a perverse manner: they have too much, they must be greedy, we should have it. It is envy and greed in the same manner as Michael Moore and the Occupy Movement: greed – they have too much and we want it… “it’s ours”, says Moore.

White genocide, aka race mongrelization, is an absurd notion. There are no pure races (except maybe pygmies and some Amazon back–river tribes and the sort.) I think that possibly the real concern, deep down, is the mongrelization of culture, when one culture is revered and another is despised. There is a stereotyping of blacks into ghetto personas, where the value system inherent to suburban America is non-existent and material dependency is a way of life. The consequence of that stereotype is the idea that the ghetto culture will be brought into the suburban culture, and destroy it. That view of blacks is inherently evil, and many blacks have fought their way out of that and now fight to defeat that way of life as well as that way of stereotyping. Unfortunately, many black leaders and powerful Leftists reinforce the vision of blacks as perpetually inferior and dependent (to the benefit of the black leaders and the powerful Leftists).

American is not a race; it is an idea which has produced an exceptional culture.

Stan said...

Finally, if there is any fight to be had that is valid, it would be the fight to retain human rights and restrict the powers of government per the Tenth Amendment. Those who govern now claim that the Constitution is old, dusty and malleable - a living document. That is specifically perverse, since the only way to change the Constitution is by amending it, not by ignoring it.

America used to be a human rights-based nation; it has become a government bureaucrat right to dictate nation.

blank said...

Thanks for the response! c:

It's a new concept for me, so I have to approach this with a pinch of salt.

What about the notion of race realism? It's a concept that Vox Day would often talk about on his blog regarding race relations, that each race have some features that are superior to one another. As for such, Vox would argue about the low IQ on blacks or their high crime rates or how their cranium properties differ from whites and tags such post with "Vibrancy is our strength!"

What confuses me is that Vox would argue for libertarian principles but, like you said, these sort of ideas about race realism seem to have a dose of totalitarianism in them.

How should I approach this? Or am I missing something/misinterpreting Vox?

Stan said...

My impression of VD's approach is that he is taking on the idea that races are totally equal and that the concept of total equality cannot be addressed without being reacist and discriminatory: i.e. it is forbidden. The Left pushes the notion that all differences in race are vistiges of racist discrimination, only, period. That gives them the opportunity to claim that performance differentials are racism products, so that performance standards must be lowered for blacks to compensate for racism.

They want the racism to be blameable on their political enemies, but in actuality the performance differential is attributable to the Leftist racist Plantation which the Democrats maintain. Further, when blacks utilize the lowered standards and then attempt to compete out in the field where there is no nanny to help them, any failure they might have will be blamed - not on their inadequate preparation for their tasks - rather the blame will be placed on invisible racism by invisible racists. For the Leftist Democrats and their racial victims, there is no actual consequence to be attached to their irrational pursuit. It's a shell game, set up to always deliver the same deception: A produces B; B produces A; A produces B, ad infinitum.

I personally don't see totalitarianism in VD's position, although I haven't read all of his work. I think he is pursuing the truth of natural variability, in the sense that total equality of any two groups of people, even within a "race" or in a single family, will not be the case.

I think that IQ is always destined to be determined by cultural and parental upbringing, with lesser amounts attributible to genetics. Any person brought up by wolves in a wilderness cave will stumble on IQ tests merely due to lack of conceptual exercise of his faculties at critical developmental periods, regardless of race, sex, etc.

It cannot help be a fact that persons raised in ghettos, without fathers, educated poorly in government-narrative schools, and with the understanding that they must have external help of lower standards because of who they are, these persons will not fare as well as others who are without those albatrosses aroung their necks, regardless of their innate capacities. It is racism, for sure, racism of the Left.

Unknown said...

very nice information and useful