Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Accumulator of AtheoLeftist Lies, Frauds, Bullying and Racism: August 20, 2013

I am creating an accumulator for AtheoLeftisms. I will update the category periodically as the list expands. The list today is primarily on the lies the Left tells with a straight face.

Always remember how Obama “joked” about auditing his enemies in the USA. It came to pass.

The pro-Muslim Brotherhood cant of the administration is obvious. They also wanted to ship fighter jets to Egypt under the Brotherhood, and cancelled the shipment quickly when the Brotherhood was kicked out.

Oprah’s movie vs. the actual facts. Racial propaganda and racism toward whites.

Teachers molesting students must not be punished.

Change = nothing. The Left has already admitted she was right about death panels.

Lies even the Leftist press no longer believes. “That is the punchline of the Snowden affair: when we can't trust what government tells us, we come to trust those whom government doesn't trust. Thus, we no longer necessarily care what the official line is and who delivers it. And when that happens, access – the currency of the Beltway – becomes worthless. Ah, the irony.”

Don’t know nothin’ ‘bout guns, just like senators from CA.

Obama’s boys (Muslim Brotherhood) goes on a rampage; Obama silent while Christians and others are massacred. ” Last week President Obama gave a speech about what is going on in Egypt, and has decided to stop the upcoming joint military exercise with the Egyptian army, in an attempt to pressure the armed forces to stop their war against Muslim Brotherhood You have to understand that this created more hate towards the American goverment. In a reaction to this speech President Putin announced that the Russian army is ready to help the Egyptian army in its fight against terrorism.”
It’s an odd world when Russia is more sensible than the USA; just ask Snowden.

With the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist/killers.
” It’s not as if the MB is subtle. They have proclaimed who they are since their founding by Hasan al Banna in 1928 and have not wavered in any significant way since in their global jihadist goals. They have also been unstinting in their massive misogyny, homophobia and rigid support of Shariah law über alles (quite literally über alles, since the Brotherhood were — virtually the last still unrepentant — allies of Hitler in WWII).

You know, liberal stuff.

Democracy, as their kissing cousin Turkey’s Erdogan so blithely explained, is “like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.” Or, as one of the Brotherhood’s own internal documents put it in that oh-so-distant year of 2007, they (the MB) are dedicated to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.””

” Written sometime in 1987 but not formally published until May 22, 1991, Akram's 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded "organizations of our friends" that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These "friends" were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims "that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands ... so that ... God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions."

Here is Hosni Mubarek on the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood fakes its injuries.

The Administration’s lies about Benghazi seem related to the Muslim Brotherhood.
” Most recently, on July 29, 2013, Ahmed Musa, a prominent Egyptian political insider and analyst made several assertions on Tahrir TV that further connected the dots. During his program, while berating U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson for her many pro-Brotherhood policies—policies that have earned her the hate and contempt of millions of Egyptians—Musa insisted that he had absolute knowledge that the murderer of Chris Stevens was Mohsin al-‘Azzazi, whose passport was found in Brotherhood leader Khairet al-Shatter’s home, when the latter was arrested. According to the firm assurances of political analyst Musa, ‘Azzazi is currently present in Raba‘a al-Adawiya, where he, the seasoned terrorist, is preparing to do what he does best—terrorize Egypt, just as the Brotherhood have promised, in revenge for the ousting of Morsi.

But why would Morsi and the Brotherhood attack the consulate in Libya in the first place? The day before the embassy attacks, based on little known but legitimate Arabic reports, I wrote an article titled “Jihadis Threaten to Burn U.S. Embassy in Cairo,” explaining how Islamists—including al-Qaeda—were threatening to attack the U.S. embassy in Cairo unless the notorious Blind Sheikh—an Islamist hero held in prison in the U.S. in connection to the first World Trade Center bombing—was released. The date September 11 was also deliberately chosen to attack the embassy to commemorate the “heroic” September 11, 2001 al-Qaeda strikes on America. (Regardless, the Obama administration, followed by the so-called mainstream media, portrayed the embassy attacks as unplanned reactions to an offensive movie.)

The theory is this: in order to negotiate the release of the Blind Sheikh, the Islamists needed an important American official to barter in exchange. And while the violence on U.S. embassiesbegan in Egypt, it seemed logical that kidnapping an American official from neighboring Libya would be less conspicuous than in Egypt, where Egyptians, including Morsi, were calling for the release of the Egyptian Blind Sheikh. Thus the U.S. consulate in Libya was attacked, Chris Stevens kidnapped, but in the botched attempt, instead of becoming a valuable hostage, he wound up dead.

Add to all this the fact that, despite the very serious charges filed against them—including inciting murder and terrorism, and grand treason—the Obama administration, first with Anne Patterson, and now with Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, keep pressuring Egypt to release Brotherhood leaders; McCain personally even visited the civilian al-Shatter, whose raided home revealed the passport of ‘Azzazi, whom Musa claims is the murderer of Stevens.

Needless to say, at this point, tens of millions of Egyptians are convinced that U.S. leadership is fully aware of the Brotherhood’s connection to Benghazi—and hence desperately pushing for the release of Brotherhood leadership, lest, when they are tried in Egypt’s courts, all these scandals become common knowledge.

Meanwhile in the United States, to a mainstream American public—conditioned as it is by a mainstream media—all of the above is just a “conspiracy theory,” since surely the U.S. government is transparent with the American people—except, that is, when it’s not.”

Lying about Benghazi.

Hillary infantilizes black abilities. Jason Riley exposes Hillary’s racism.

Secret contact between EPA and environmentalistas.

NSA lies from the top down.

Matt Damon’s Hollywoo-woo Leftist propaganda flops again:
”All of this likely serves to explain why Damon was so shamelessly dishonest during his "Elyisum" promotional blitz. "I don't think it is trying to saying anything," Damon assured potential ticket-buyers as news of "Elysium's" left-wing agenda started to dribble out.
Obviously, Damon and Hollywood are determined to never learn the lesson that moviegoers are not interested in being preached to by hypocritical left-wing millionaires, but that doesn't change the fact that Damon's box office clout is waning fast:

His last solo smash was the 2007 sequel The Bourne Ultimatum, with his supporting turn in 2010's True Grit also flexing box office muscle. Other recent films, including The Adjustment Bureau, Margaret, Invictus, Green Zone, We Bought a Zoo and Promised Land, ranged from underwhelming to downright duds.

Don't worry about Damon, though, he still makes millions per film; more than enough for the high-profile public school advocate to send his own children to private schools.”

Obama breaks his own law for political expediency (elections in ’14, doncha know).

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