Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bring Out The Clowns

If you have missed the great rodeo clown outrage, you have missed the best example of Leftist pufferfish indignation in - well, in weeks. Or maybe it's just days, who can keep up...

The gag was this: a "dummy" with an Obama mask was propped up with a broom and placed in the middle of the arena; the crowd was asked if it wanted to see Obama run over by a bull. When the bull approached, the "dummy" came to life and ran away. This was narrated by a second clown.

Now that is really bad judgment, given the dark mood of the national blacks in charge of their notion of "civil rights", and their notion of entitlement to complete deference.

The clown was fired; he was officially banished from clowning, at least at this state fair; now the investigations (persecutions and maybe prosecutions) begin.

This clown will very likely receive a visit from the U.S. Bureau of Hate Crimes and Dear Leader Disrespect, Division of Mental Reorganization and Attitude Re-Alignment (USBHCDLDDMRARA). His background will be examined, his family and friends and friends of his freinds will receive similar visits, the death rants will be phoned in, and state funding for the State Fair will have to be revoked in order to stop the threats of "marches" (read that: "riots"; Al Sharpton's schedule will likely open up for this media event).

Already at least one state fair official has resigned in order to protect his other job.

The State NAACP has taken this opportunity (never waste a manufactured crisis) to demand the defunding of the State Fair, and has demanded that those funds - $400k - be given to black causes. The NAACP official also demanded that the DOJ and Secret Service investigate this evil person, whose gag was compared to violence in movie theaters, etc:

“Incidents involving individuals acting out with extreme violent behavior in movie theaters, schools, churches, political appearances, and outdoor events in general speaks volume to the irresponsible behavior of all the parties involved with the incendiary events at the Missouri State Fair.”

Incediary events, indeed. There shall be no mocking. Unless it is by Bill Mahr or Jon Stewart or any other Leftist. The clowns should know that the mockery turf belongs exclusively to the Left; the mockers on the Right will be driven out of work and out of town, and maybe over to Russia for their own protection from the Left and its governmental official jackboots.

All clowns should be careful to get their material pre-approved by the NAACP, ACLU, Homeland Security, the FBI, DOJ, and Bill Mahr. Why did they not know that before this horrible incendiary mocking of Dear Leader? Well, I'm sure they know it now.

Maybe all clowns should be banned as a preventive measure against future "extreme violent behavior" and "incendiary events". Possibly the entire state fair should be quarantined until all who enter there get re-trained. It's too risky to let this go without full rehabilitation.

President is depicted as a monkey!


john said...

I'm not american but it seems atheist-jews (Bill Maher/Sam Harris/Silverman/Zuckerman,et al)in america are more anti-christian than any other group.They can't attack christianity from a jewish position and expect to win,so instead they adopt a supposedly unattackable position (atheism)and from there they launch their attacks against the "evil christians".
See...It's a win win.We destroy christianity by promoting immorality on tv,blame the holocaust on jesus' teachings (although there's no christian criminal in the bible),pretend scandinavians are the most progressive because they're all atheists,link christianity with islam because the crimes of communist atheists are much greater than that of the inquisition and crusades and therefore christianity on its own is more civil than materialism.

I'm not anti-semitic but it seems to me that the american media insists that christianity is responsible for the holocaust and not scientific racism,indoctrinating entire jewish generations to hate christianity for their demise.

Stan said...

I personally don't think it is a Jewish position at all. Atheism conveys personal godhood-type moral superiority to those who reject all authority outside of themselves. It is from the self-endowed perspective of personal moral and intellectual superiority that all Atheists operate, and that is independent of their orginal worldviews.

It is natural for Atheists to condemn those they designate as inferior to themselves, because those Others do not accept Atheists as the superior creatures which Atheists think they are. So the Atheists attack the obvious contrarians, which in the USA is Christianity and non-messiahist, libertarian, small government advocates.

The media is totally Leftist, and joins in the attacks on the Other with gusto. I really don't think the presence of ex-Jews is the reason for it; I think it is a emotional instability which is being satisfied with rebellion, back-filled with anti-Otherism and a false sense of superiority due merely to the acceptance of an ideology which tells them so.

So anyone can be susceptible to it, if emotionally predisposed.