Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The New Persecution of Zimmerman's Wife, Laid Bare

UPDATE ADDENDUM: Given the phone calls recorded between Zimmerman and his wife (presuming those to be real and valid and to have occured before her denial), then indeed Zimmerman's wife did lie when she denied knowledge of the cash amounts in the PayPal account. The provenance and chain of lawful chain of possession of this evidence is not obvious at this time, of course, but Perjury could definitely have happened, given this evidence.

Original Post:

Perjury is very difficult to prove, rarely filed, and much misunderstood. Florida statute 837.02(1) states:
Except as provided in subsection (2), whoever makes a false statement, which he or she does not believe to be true, under oath in an official proceeding in regard to any material matter, commits a felony of the third degree …
In addition, Cohen v. State (2008) held:
Statements alleged to be perjurious must be of “empirical fact” and not of opinion, belief or perception. … One of the essential elements of perjury in official proceedings is that the person making the statement does not believe it to be true. … The questions posed to elicit perjured testimony must be asked with the appropriate specificity necessary to result in an equally specific statement of fact.

Simply put, in order to win the case against Shellie Zimmerman, the state must be able to prove every element of the offense: that she (1) while under oath (2) in a judicial proceeding (3) made a false statement (4) that she knew to be false about (5) a material matter. In addition, that statement must be about a matter of objective fact, not an opinion or an incorrect guess. If a prosecutor doesn’t ask sufficiently direct and specific questions so as to elicit objectively factual responses, he’s out of luck.

Out of luck, that is, unless that prosecutor is engaged in a political action that ignores the law and legal ethics.


The affidavit for the perjury charge, written and submitted by special prosecutor investigator T.C. O’Steen, is — like the affidavit submitted for the murder charge — devoid of probable cause.

In fact, it does not establish a single specific statement made by Shellie Zimmerman and explain why that specific statement was false, why it was material, how it was a matter of objective fact, or why Shellie believed it to be false as she uttered it.

Of all of the elements of the offense that must be established and proved, the state established only that Shellie was under oath and testified in a judicial proceeding.

Read the whole thing...


God is One said...

Financial records and recorded phone calls show that she not only knew about the money but worked to hide it.

Stan said...

Evidence for that assertion?

Aqium said...

All phone calls from prison are recorded and monitored.
They have released the calls.
They discuss how much money there is and how to move it.
In the following days she and George's sister go though with the plan.
To prove this they released financial records that show the transactions..
Relevant quotations and information are quoted in State of Florida Vs Shellie N. Zimmerman.

I have noticed something that has not been brought up yet. The money is moved in repeated transfers of $9,900 or $9,999, apparently believing this would be under bank reporting amounts. A Fedreral money laundering crime, I believe, known as "structuring".

God Is One said...

When listening notice that the dates are BEFORE (15th, etc) she said she had no idea. (20th).

3 minute news report playing parts of the recordings:

Full recordings 1 and a half hours:

Her bank records show that she followed through.
So, she knew, she hid the money, she lied and the judge relied on her lies and then she moved the money again afterwards.

Stan said...

God is One,
Based on the short recording, I have modified the post with an update addendum at the start of the article.

Stan said...

If you should go to, per LiberalViewer's recommendation, the temperature graph there on the first page - if one assumes that it is really correct - shows the following "piecewise-linear" interpretation:

1950 - 1977 : flat.
1978 - 1986 : flat.
1988 - 1995 : flat.
1996 - 2001 : flat.
2002 - 2013 : flat.

Further it shows a mere 0.6 degC rise in 63 years.

Further it gives no bands for margin of error.

Further CO2 has risen 26.8%, while temperature has risen probably only inside the margin of error.

Spring snow cover is greater in 2013 than in 1969.

Ocean heat energy has declined 5 times in nearly 6 decades, for periods of two years or greater, and was fairly consistent from 1955 - 1987; it rose from 1987 - 2004, then declined slightly and levelled off from 2004 - 2013. The graph suggests that the rise is 1 joules out of 1022 joules, or 0.98%. Most of that occured rapidly (5 year period) and then stopped inexplicably.

What say you about this? Hint: drawing straight lines is hazardous.

Btw, we are having a wonderful summer here: the cool season grasses are growing all summer long. There will definitely be a second and maybe third cutting of hay. It stays in the 70s most days with only a few venturing into the 80s. When we moved here 15 years back it was 105 during the day almost every day during August (nearly killed me, coming in from Oregon), and low 80s at night. I know, I know; it's just weather. But the straight line graph from then to now would be definitely downward for the heart of America.