Friday, September 6, 2013

Notice To Troll(s):

I won't be publishing your hate rants. I don't even have to read very far before hitting delete, so your time and unfocused antipathy is wasted.

If you wish to present an argument in favor of Atheism or Leftism, then that would be something to discuss. But you do not, apparently since you cannot.


Steven Satak said...

Thank you, Stan. By now most of them have demonstrated they bring nothing but insults and specious thinking to the blog.

Filter them out before they start a flame war? Sure. Of course, they won't be back, because trolling here is why they're here.


Humble troll said...

Isn't Steven your biggest troll? Just saying.

Looks like a troll that praises you Stan is permissible. Makes sense.

Steven Satak said...

@Humble Troll: well, at least you are well-named. So... is the issue that I am a troll, or that I support Stan and he (presumably) ignores my trolling?

Or is it both? One of the hallmarks of the troll is that they duck in, drop a one or two-line snark, then duck out again.

So... unfounded statement, followed by a qualifier. Another unfounded statement, followed by a third that supports the first without any evidence.

"Just sayin"? Just so. That's what makes you a troll, pal. Humble or otherwise.