Friday, November 22, 2013

Fred Takes On Evolution, Again. Evolution Suffers.

Fred is incredulous for some of the same reasons I am, regarding the actuality of evolution, but I didn't call it "domain bloat", regretably. Fred comes at it differently, and as always very readably. Unfortunately he didn't address the Bombardier Beetle and why it didn't blow its ass off while trying to evolve its two rear-facing explosive chemical chambers. And neither will I.


Rikalonius said...

I used to read Fred Reed religiously when his column would appear in Navy Times while I was in the Navy. I love his writing. When I saw the name would never suspected they were the same Fred Reed, but they are. Good stuff.

Steven Satak said...

@Rik: Yeah, me too, back in the 1980s. I even cut some of them out and have them in an albumn.

Fred looks the same, just older.

Went to the site Americans Against the Tea Party. The comments are about what I expected... mockery, insult and the usual flippancy. No actual proof supporting any of their comments.

It appears to be just another left wing jingoistic outlet for folks with a lot of emotion driving their determination to cut that branch off - the one we all happen to be sitting on...

Steven Satak said...

Not to contribute to topic drift, but this is what I snipped from that site I mentioned earlier:

"Americans Against The Tea Party is a group committed to exposing the Tea Party’s lies, violence, racism, ignorance, intolerance, bigotry, and corporatist fascist efforts to subvert our democratic process – and we are organizing to defeat Tea Party/GOP candidates on ballots everywhere. We support the Occupy movement. We support a liberal view. WE ARE THE 99%. WE ARE AATTP!"

In short, they sound like every brain-dead liberal I ever met or read. They are the 99%? Of what?

Man, it's a good thing talk is cheap, or these jokers probably couldn't afford more than a paragraph.