Friday, January 3, 2014

Krugman's Racism

Paul Krugman is a consistent race-baiter and self-indulgent Messiah. Of course there is not direct evidence of racism for him to present. The evidence is found in the conservative/tea party rejection of the Left's Messiahist capture of blacks into the Victimization plantations; dissent is "racist" because dissent is never morally acceptable under Leftist Rules of Intolerance of Dissent.

In fact, it is the Left's racist rejection of minorities who deny the Left of the gratification of placing them onto the Leftist Victim Plantations which is overtly racist, rather than any racism which is found on the Right:

As for blacks who are favorites of the Tea Party, either nationally or locally, they include Herman Cain, Allen West, and Mia Love as well as Thomas Sowell (the Stanford economist who deserves the Nobel Prize in Economics at least as much as Krugman), Walter Williams, and Larry Elder. But all these African-Americans must be ignored, because for the Left, the only good "Negro" is the martyred "Negro" — the one who constantly thinks he and his like are victims and therefore votes for the victimization party (i.e., the Democrats).

Currently, one favorite of the Tea Party crowd for presidential candidate in 2016 is Dr Benjamin Carson, a neurosurgeon who is offering a free-market alternative to Obamacare that would keep prices down and Washington's brand-new army of bureaucrats out of the health care system. His skin, too, is darker than Obama's.

But all these inconvenient facts must be ignored or belittled by media people like Krugman in order to push the narrative that America is an intolerant hell hole of prejudice populated by hordes of despicable racists.

The Left needs Victims, or its Messiahism would be seen for what it is: totalitarianism.

1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

Let's see if this works for Ms. Browne-Marshall:

Tim Scott, US Senator from a "Southern white radical" bastion (please remember that South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union) is a favorite of and supported by the TEA Party, an enclave of "Southern white radicals" who are causing the problems with ObamaCare? Oh, did I forget to mention that Sen. Scott is BLACK?

The illogic of this rises to the highest levels of Atheo-Leftist insanity.