Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Current Attack on the First Amendment

By now you've probably heard that the Arizona legislature has presented a "discrimination against Gays" bill to governor Jan Brewer, who is now assaulted with pleas from both sides. And you've probably heard that the NFL has threatened Arizona with cancelling their Superbowl if the legislation is signed.

What is going on is a full frontal assault on religious freedom and the sovereignty of personal property and its use - not an enforced, universal state discrimination against homosexuals, who have plenty of alternatives. These legislations have been made necessary due to the refusal of federal judges to uphold the First Amendment, rather holding that anti-discrimination trumps it. This is becoming settled law to the point that stare decisus can be invoked against religious freedom, all due to the considerable non-legislated law created by activist judges.

It is even possible that the feds will get involved to try to enforced homosexual rights at the expense of religious and private property freedoms. Interference by activist federal judges is a further abuse of the Tenth Amendment, the limiting amendment which disallows federal interference with the states where not specifically allowed in the US Constitution (which says nothing about either discriminating use of personal properties, or homosexuality). But the Tenth Amendment has been violated successfully so many times that it no longer has meaning in the body of federal law or federal attitudes. It started with a corrupt interpretation of the "Commerce Clause" referring to interstate commerce, but that's another story.

For now, if Brewer signs the bill, Arizona will be punished just like Chik Fil A and FRC; will the hysterical Left incite another shooter, like the one who attacked FRC? Jan Brewer and the entire Arizona legislature should be on guard. Not to mention other states with similar bills, such as Missouri, Kansas, and Georgia.

What sort of country has fits about legislation which affirms its own constitution?

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