Sunday, March 9, 2014

Climate Change: The Refocusing Away From Scandals, And Onto Computer Models

Democrats are going to whine all night long about not redistributing enough wealth to save the polar bears. Or something similar to that:
A majority of Senate Democrats on Monday will launch an overnight "talkathon" until approximately 9:00 a.m. Tuesday to draw attention to climate change.

The overnight effort, organized by Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, is part of the recently launched Senate Climate Action Task Force headed by Sens. Barbara Boxer of California and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

In a statement, Boxer said Democrats want to "wake up Congress" to the dangers of climate change.

The marathon session is not technically a filibuster in part because there is no legislation under debate, but overnight sessions are rare and likely to draw media attention to the topic — which is precisely the goal.

The most recent overnight "talkathon" session was led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, last September in an unsuccessful but highly public effort to block a stopgap spending bill.

The Democratic effort is cause for some confusion because these senators are calling for action in a chamber they control but without any specific legislation to offer up for a vote, or any timetable for action this year.

[emphasis added]
Confusion? Not so much: it's not that confusing to see obviously desperate redirection away from the persistent scandals, obviously a Democrat Red Herring publicly performed. The press will run with it, not that they need any reasons or reasoning for not covering the numerous scandals. Even though the MSM toadies are also illegally abused by the Obama administration, they will behave like good toadies and follow along for more.

1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

Anthropogenic Global Warming - and a bunch of politicians are going to contribute more "hot air" as a solution?!? If only they had considered muzzling politicians...