Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Feinstein Is Suddenly Interested In The Constitutional Protections From The Government

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Democrat) has been aggressive in attempting to subvert the Second Amendment. But now she is excitedly interested in protecting her own domain by use of the Fourth Amendmendment and the Separation of Powers principles of the Constitution. The US Constitution is useful for herself, but not for anyone else. Interestingly, The CIA claims that Feinstein might have obtained the information regarding the snooping intrusion illegally. Not to worry. Swapping illegal actions is now the way things are done in DC. Now they are persecuting themselves.


Robert Coble said...

Old joke:

"What do you call a liberal who's been mugged? A conservative."

Welcome to the ongoing mugging, Senator!

Wait a second: maybe that should have read:

"Welcome to the ongoing bugging, Senator!"

I sincerely doubt the esteemed Senator from CA would be able to distinguish the difference. Come to think of it, neither can I.

Rikalonius said...

Yes I read that today and laughed. Best sarcastic comment I saw in response was, to paraphrase "The SA is mad at the SS, we can only hope it ends the same way."

Banning guns, no problem. Fairness Doctrine, no problem. Spy on Congress. Screeeech, Fourth Amendment.