Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Re-Calculating the Universe into a New Bind

The cosmological constant has just been modified by 10^-120, using a little mathematical hocus pocus. This settles the issue, apparently, of why the actual cosmological constant is small, while the calculated constant was humongous. But it introduces another issue, which is this: if the new constant is correct, then the universe would slow down, reverse and begin to contract. That goes against the observation of "dark energy" which is the rapid expansion at the edges of the universe. So calculations and observations are still off, and no one understands the basic operation of the universe... so far, anyway. Maybe the universal constant is a universal variable...

1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

Maybe it's merely that the universal constant is constantly changing, thereby remaining consistently constant in that which is constant - change. Hey, we can do "hope and change" too!