Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nation of Laws? Or Lawless Government?

In his continuing war on specific citizens, Harry Reid invokes the "nation of laws" principle in attacking Cliven Bundy. Of course Bundy is not afoul of laws, he is afoul of bureaucratic regulations and dictates, implemented by unelected bureaucrats who operate at the behest of radical politicians, like Harry Reid.

But wait. Harry Reid now claims that Bundy does not pay his taxes. How would Reid know that, unless he is getting personal information from yet another weaponized bureaucracy, the IRS? By making this claim, Reid is admitting either to lying, or to misuse of confidential personal information. Perhaps Reid thinks the grazing fees being charged to Bundy for the use of his own land are in fact, taxes. Then he would have inadvertently admitted to ignorance of the case.

Reid is not all that bright, and is frequently given to making statements (including false tax-related charges against a presidential candidate) which cannot possibly be known truths without malfeasance on Reid's part. For some reason he is allowed to lie about American citizens (e.g. the Koch Brothers) from the pulpit of governance, with complete impunity. That in itself is lawlessness, and is a demonstration that America is no longer a nation of laws.

In a similar vein, Obama has just signed a law which he says he will not enforce, and he invokes Bush as an example (which he, Obama, denounced at the time). Lawlessness at the top rapidly spreads throughout the land.

1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

Perhaps I missed it, but another (unreported) aspect of the Bundy vs. BLM situation is the control of scarce water rights in Nevada. See: