The feminista rape-culturists have long claimed that one out of five women will be raped. That number would certainly be significant if it were true. But here are the actual figures in graphical form:
At its peak, rape was reported at 4 out of 100,000, or 0.004%.
Even given that some rapes, even many rapes, are not reported (note 1), the 20% number is so far out of line that it is completely non-credible; a woman would have to live to at least 10,000 years old to have a 20% probability of being raped sometime in her lifetime. Conversely, 10,000 women would have to have not reported their rape to justify the 20% claim.
Five orders of magnitude from actual data indicates a lie. In fact, one is strongly led to suspect that the number is fabricated as a political tool for the express purpose of demonizing a class of humans: men. It appears to be a tool of class warfare from feminism, and feminism generates both the self-designated Victim Class and the Messiah Class, both of which need - MUST have - males to be the Oppressor Class, even if they must fabricate reasons for it.
However, if feminists had any credibility and power, and they do not (note 2) except as yet another hate-filled Leftist constituency, it is the feminists who are attempting to oppress men, not the other way around. So they fit right in with the Left, since their tactics are the same.
It's not that odd that no one tells the Victim Classes to grow a mind, grow a spine, and just grow up and keep growing while continuously accepting responsibility for yourself. That would eliminate an entire voter base.
Watch for the increased use of the 20% number as the next two elections approach.
Note 1: Nor do we know how many "rapes" are phony; many are now found to be false accusations.
Note 2: An exception is college campuses which are now notoriously hostile environments for males, who can be charged with rape and kangaroo courted into a lifetime record as rapist.
A credible source for analysis of "rape" statistics is Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers.
Here's a link or two that is relevant:
The origin of the "1-in-4" statistic is a discredited report by Professor Mary Koch, made for the DOJ.
Ain't it wonderful what Big Feddie can buy with taxpayer dollars?!?
Twenty percent? Way too low. Remember, ALL PIV is rape.
Oh yeah, that's right. So everyone is a rape-child.
That means that if rape-children are to be aborted, then humanity is gone.
There's an interesting twist.
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