CNN's King: More Dems Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Incompetent'How many more scandals does Obama have to have? I'm starting to wonder if he might just be the first president to be impeached and convicted. It's really too bad that the first half-black president had to be a fool. Obama has set blacks back quite a ways... not that the Left wants it any different.
It's not just Republicans saying President Barack Obama is out of touch as the VA scandal continues to grow.
CNN's John King on Sunday's "Inside Politics," noted that "More and more Democrats in key 2014 races are calling for the president to get a spine, they say, and fire his Veterans Affairs secretary" Eric Shinseki. "And what more and more Democrats are saying privately is scathing, calling the president and his team detached, flat-footed, even incompetent."
King, CNN's chief national correspondent, said that Democrats have been saying privately since the opening debacle that "they see a president who doesn't want to take command, doesn't want to act fast."
A former 40 year Atheist analyzes Atheism, without resorting to theism, deism, or fantasy.
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If we say that the sane can be coaxed and persuaded to rationality, and we say that rationality presupposes logic, then what can we say of those who actively reject logic?
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014
But It's Been So Obvious For Seven Years
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Dr. Thomas Sowell, Random Thoughts:
"Sometimes I think that this is an era when sanity has become controversial."
Check your privilege.
Unless you are a member of the Messiah Class or the Victim Class, you do NOT have any privileges or rights. You (and I) are members of the officially designated Oppressor Class. Under the "rules of engagement," a member of the Oppressor Class cannot analyze nor address the behavior of any member of the Messiah Class or the Victim Class.
There is absolutely NOTHING that will get this President impeached, much less convicted and removed from office. He is safely ensconced in a protected enclave of race that does not allow any outside criticism without a knee-jerk charge of racism against the critic. Those in opposition are terrified of being blackened (in the moral sense) by the media and the Messiah Class, with subsequent personal and public destruction.
Personally, I don't ascribe to the notion that Obama has set back black people. However, even if it were true, the media and the Messiah Class will attribute any negativity to his white half, ensuring that no one publicly ever attributes the problems to his black half.
Dr. Sowell, again:
Any fool can say the word "racism." In fact, quite a few fools do say it. But clever people can also say "racism," in order to get fools to vote their way.
Those people who want Hillary Clinton elected president, so that we could have our first woman president, seem to have learned absolutely nothing from the current disaster of choosing a president on the basis of demographics and symbolism.
I just can't see Obama being impeached. Impeachment stake time and resources,cand right now Republicans' dance cards are full, what with Benghazi investigations and upcoming midterm elections. And by this time next year we'll be ramping up for the next presidential elections, and the window of opportunity will have come and gone.
Check out Dr. Walter Williams's column on "White Privilege."
If you are white and consumed with "white guilt," I suggest you take advantage of Dr. Williams's offer:
I can't imagine people being stupid enough to believe all that was said at the White Privilege Conference. There's something else at work. I think it's white guilt. That's why, for almost three decades, there has appeared on my website a certificate of amnesty and pardon that I've granted to Americans of European ancestry in the hope that they stop feeling guilty and stop acting like fools."
Get your free certificate at:
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