Dept of Agriculture Orders Submachine Guns with 30 Round MagazinesFarmers are such terrorists.
Or maybe they want to defend farmers from the IRS, BLM, ATF, Dep't of Education, Homeland Security, EPA, etc.? Nah. Probably not. And it definitely won't be to defend against Army Worms...
1 comment:
"They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore."
Nothing to see here: benevolent Big Brother is just trying to acquire as many "swords" as possible so that they can be "re-purposed" as farm implements.
To believe otherwise, you'd have to be one of those bitter frustrated wingnut right-wing Tea Party militia types who cling to guns or religion (not both concurrently), filled with antipathy toward people who aren't like them, who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade. And you don't want to be or become one of THOSE kind of subhuman people, do you?!?
Let's all gather together, hold hands (and stick our heads down into the sand) and sing, "Kumbaya."
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