With college campuses being well into feminist overload, males on campus can be accused of rape and expelled without legal recourse if the female involved changes her mind after the fact about how it all went down. Especially if she had been drinking (and when are they not drinking?)
A vanguard feminist now claims that ALL PIV is rape. For the uninitiated, as I was, PIV refers to penis-in-vagina. This branch of feminism is obviously homosexual, or perhaps completely de-sexualized except for the hatred of the other sex.
However, a recent ruling (not in the USA, but in India) declares that marital sex can never be rape.
These two divergent views of rape have one thing in common: The woman saying either yes or no to sexual advances has nothing to do with whether it is called "rape". In the first case the female can say yes and no: yes now, and no later. In the second case, the female's opinion doesn't matter, so long as she is over 15 and married.
As for further confusion, under Islam a woman raped is a woman to be punished, maybe even killed; it's her fault for enticing men, who are too weak to refuse. Essentially, it is the poor Muslim man who gets raped by the unsuspecting female.
Is this why the younger generation of males includes a large number of child-men, those who are glued to their X-Box until they push into geriatricism? The rise of the child-man in western society is part of its demise. Actual men with the stones to be heroic are replaced with fake and risk-free digital heroism which the child-man can achieve while holding a hot cocoa and in his one-piece pajamas. I don't play video games, but I understand that there are games in which one can have sex, even rape, without any actual personal consequences. In that sense the feminists have gotten what they want: a fully neutered and controlled male, preferably self-destructive.
Still, the vast majority of men are not rapists in any sense of the word. It is the warped worldview of the radicals which conflate male and "rapist". That warping should be the focus of psychology and moral debate, rather than the rapist nature of the caricature of "men":
"'If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accomplished by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.'And,
Mary Daly"
"Instead, my radical feminism – based as it always has been on the search for Truth no matter how ugly and unpalatable- led to the study and cross-analysis of biology, climate science, ecology and complex systems theory.But of course there is more:
I wanted the Big Picture of what is happening to the planet because of Homo Rapiens. And that picture is not a pretty or hopeful one.
Hence, whether the male Y chromosome goes extinct within 5 million years (as stated by Professor Jenny Graves) or whether it goes extinct within 1 million years is moot. The rabid ape Homo Rapiens has done so much damage in its 250,000 years on Earth that it is not only extincting itself but everything else along with it.
I believe all radical feminists should be preparing themselves now for what will be the collapse of civilization because the reality and inevitabily of that is, perphaps, one of our blind spots: a dangerous one."
"What this guy, Guy, says, or rather what he demonstrates with the support of hundreds of long term scientific evidence from many sources including very conservative and mainstream sources, is that all life on this planet will come to extinction by 2030. The major cause of this extinction will be that the global warming and melting of the ice has triggered a series of feedback loops of toxic gas emissions such as methane and carbon dioxyde which were trapped in the soils and underwaters of the earth by the ice and frost. These feedback loops have already started, are now unstoppable and life on earth is already on its way to extinction. No technology can stop this – especially since male technology is part of the problem and their use and fabrication will only emit more greenhouse gases. Even if men’s system collapsed now, if all men died and we returned back to stone age, it is unstoppable. Unprecedented levels of methane and carbone dioxyde have already been released into the atmosphere because of the warming and the more gas is emitted, the more the planet heats because of the greenhouse effects of the gas, and the more gas is emitted again. Once the air is too intoxicated plants will start dying too and if all or most plants die together, all the carbon dioxyde they sequestered will be released too, which only further intoxicates the air. There will simply be no more oxygen to breathe and the time it will take for the earth to regain cool temperatures and for the gases to be sequestered again, if that ever happens, which might be between 100 or thousands of years according to the extent of the damage, all species and life will have been already gone. I’m just paraphrasing these statements from memory, so read his essay for detailed information and explanations of the different feedback loops.There are no words... beyond: "Get Help". Now.
Right. This is estimated to happen by 2030… 2030! That gives us 15 years to live, if we even survive that long. Before that there will be floodings and terrible tsunamis, the sea level is likely to rise at least 50 meters higher. The monetary system will crumble down before, and I shudder to think what men will do once their system falls apart and they will no longer be able to hide the truth.
Do I believe this? Is this credible, is it a hoax? If only. How could this not be credible? The facts are indisputable. Who am I to dispute the long term data and biological facts observed and measured by hundreds of scientists? I’m the first to be critical about male science but this doesn’t seem to be a matter of personal opinion to me. Even if there were room for doubt or error regarding the probability of certain species surviving such as bacteria or fungi, the evidence is so compelling that I don’t think it’s an option to ignore it. I sorely wish it wouldn’t be true.
Now. One by one, my reactions.
It is a Strange moment. I cannot describe the sense of utter horror and grief that first overcame me. It seems utterly surreal yet it is real. Worse than I could have ever imagined. Life on earth as we know will no longer exist. Our beloved, sacred Mother Earth, how I love you, how it grieves me to know that all this beauty of life will disappear. I look by the window, at the trees, the grass, the birds, dear companions. How painful. This is a terrible moment of realising.
I’ve known all along that patriarchy would collapse. It confirms what we have been hearing more or less explicitly for some time now. It also confirms some visions that women have shared with me. I myself have been saying it out loud for a while, that men’s system will collapse, maybe not so much online. My only question was whether men would destroy the rest of us in their demise or if some of us would survive. We now have the answer. It appears that men will take everything away with them.
Men, homo rapiens, you scum, you filth. There is no word to describe the extent of your evil, you are pure evil, pure lechery. I hate you, how I hate you. In the 250,000 years of your rotten, defunct existence, you have managed to kill 5 million years of life on earth."
[emphasis added]
BTW, here is the AGW Terror graph from "this guy, Guy..."
For future reference, it's called the "Wheelchair Graph". Doom! Doom! We're all doomed!
Stan: "There are no words beyond 'Get Help'".
Stan, you are too kind. The good news is, that pregnancy is, by definition apparently, a harm, that we can expect these loonies won't be getting pregnant any time in the new future, thus relieving the gene pool of the greater harm of having to perpetuate their genes.
But you missed my favorite quote from the rant:
"If we look at the act in more detail ... PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection. How is this a normal civilised, respectful way to treat anyone? Sorry for the explicit picture, but this is what it is and it’s absolutely revolting and violating."
One's just got to wonder what the hell she thinks the purpose of a uterus is? Does it not occur to this ... umm ... complete nutcase, that this "absolutely revolting and violating" act is exactly how we produce women? This has got to be the most laughable case of cutting off the branch you're sitting on I've seen in the past year.
One might further suppose that in this loonie's retrograde universe an act of PIA (penis-in-anus) isn't nearly so uncivilized and disrespectful since it cannot, at least, cause harm-through-pregnancy on the recipient male.
It's also denialism of female sexuality as part of the sexual compact.
An obliquely related incident here on the farm. We had a heifer once that would not stay out of the bull's pen. She would go through several fences to get to the bull, including hot wires at 8 kV. We kept taking her back to the herd, but, no, she wanted BULL. We called her Miss Hotpants.
Female heterosexuality exists and is normal. Radical feminism and homosexuality are not part of evolutionary progress, much less moral theory. They are aberrant to both theories.
One wonders what the life history of this person is. It is easy to suspect that, like a very large percentage of homosexuals, she was sexually abused as a vulnerable child, and has never recovered, instead being warped into perpetual, seething hatred.
I actually hope that she finds help, but it is illegal within the trade to help homosexuals with their homosexuality these days, homosexual activists have made sure of that. Once homosexual, always homosexual is their mantra.
For now, though, being male, heterosexual, and non-Atheist, I qualify for elimination under her desire to eliminate the class receiving her hatred.
And had your heifer in heat ever actually gotten what she were after, you would have had to put the bovis rapiens down for endangering the females of your herd. Along with the male of every species from sperm whale to tsi tsi fly that ever manages to impregnate a female.
Back in university, my brother worked part time doing furnace repair. He responded to a call once, and was told to go around to the back entrance, where he was instructed through the doorside intercom to open the door, turn left, go directly down to the basement and to exit the same way when when the repairs were down.
He later learned the house was occupied by a radical feminist who never permitted men into her house, including her own son.
I love the "Wheelchair Graph"! It is such a great illustration of "lying with statistics" (even presuming that the data is actually representative of anything important.
Look at the temperature scale on the left side of the graph. There is a total range from -4C to 3C. Seven (7) entire degrees. And this is supposed to give us the conclusion:
Right. This is estimated to happen by 2030… 2030! That gives us 15 years to live, if we even survive that long. Before that there will be floodings and terrible tsunamis, the sea level is likely to rise at least 50 meters higher. The monetary system will crumble down before, and I shudder to think what men will do once their system falls apart and they will no longer be able to hide the truth.
So we only have 15 years to exist? The sea level is going to rise 50 meters [164 feet, for those post-educated in the modern FEMINAZI American universities]?!? There are actually going to be floodings and tsunamis?!? WOW! Mother Earth has never experienced floodings and tsunamis before now!
And then comes the topper: SHUDDER: the male monetary system will "crumble down before" [before what, pray tell??], presumably leaving all women totally vulnerable to the rapacious lust for rape, pillage and plunder by penis-wielding males. (Yes, I know that's redundant, but we have to be explicit about that horrible penis thing that drives all men to be violators of all women's bodily sanctity.)
Unfortunately, this is not scribblings from an inmate of an insane asylum, but from the cloister of the modern university, celebrating the universality of "diversity."
So what is the proposed "solution" (presuming there is any factual data or basis for this insanity)? Well, it doesn't appear that we will get an answer from "male science."
I'm pretty sure that the authoress (wouldn't want to offend her delicate sensibilities by considering her an author) would not want to avail herself for protection by using a penis-like gun. After all, she would actually have to hold that penis-like object in her hand. OOOOH, dirty, nasty untouchable MALE thing!
I guess I am not the only male who has persistently failed to notice that giant penis attached directly to science qua science. What I'd like to see is that corresponding science counterpart, the enormous vagina science(???).
Funny how the crimes by muslim men against their women gets a free pass by these leftist man-hating feminists (pardon the redundancy).Maybe because they're too busy worrying about their version of the apocalypse or perhaps they do not actually care about women's well-being but use that as an excuse to spew their hatred.
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