Thursday, May 22, 2014

Headline of the Day



Robert Coble said...

If it takes intelligence to "get" humor, then Sarah Palin is demonstrably intelligent. What is she trying to do, channel her inner "Tina Fey"?

Narcissistic mega-stars do NOT tolerate truth-tellers. They require massive ego massages regularly and continuously. Consequently they choke off any possibility of learning about possible disasters until the roof crashes down on them. Then there is the shocked response, "I didn't see THAT coming!"

Perhaps we should re-institute the ancient Roman practice of positioning a slave behind The Great Man, regularly whispering in his ear, "You are only a man." (Or, perhaps the modern equivalent would be more apropos: "You ain't shit.") Maybe we could "draft" Donald Sterling for the role of slave.

Stan said...

I've never thought that Tina Fey was funny; I've always enjoyed the self-deprecating humor more than the denigration humor of the Left. Kelsy Grammer, who studied Jack Benny both come to mind.

The "humor" of the Left is always with the "comedian" as elitist judge and jury who is piling crap on his "inferiors". It appeals, I would think, to those who are wannabe elitists. There are very few George Carlin rants that are not arrogant and elitist, for example. Watch any Leftist comedian and it is the same thing every time, just in different underwear.