Wednesday, May 28, 2014

More On Academic Anti-Semitism

Professors Engage in Anti-Semitic Rhetoric on Secret Listserv
Professors for BDS slam ‘Zionist’ control of the media, academia

BY: Adam Kredo
May 27, 2014 12:25 pm

"Leaked messages from an internal listserv of university professors involved in the debate surrounding an effort to boycott Israel have revealed a deep bias against the Jewish state and anti-Semitic accusations that Zionists and Jewish people control academia.

The highly charged rhetoric about Israel, revealed last week on a leaked listserv, show that some professors involved in the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) resolution to boycott Israel are motivated by the belief that Jewish people are nefariously pulling the strings in American academia.

The leaked comments have spurred accusations of anti-Semitism in the MLA’s ranks and prompted outrage among Jewish leaders who say that this type of discourse is motivated by a deep seated bias against Jewish people and the state of Israel.

The charges of anti-Semitism were underscored by a controversial Facebook posting by one of the professors involved in the debate questioning the deaths of 6 million Jewish people in the Holocaust.

Other professors involved in the debate referred to colleagues who oppose the boycott measure as “Zionist attack dogs” and claimed that they “control and twist the media.”

The MLA, a 30,000 member-strong organization of academics, is currently considering a resolution to censure the Jewish state. The measure is being viewed as part of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which is behind multiple efforts to isolate Israel from the halls of academia."
The Left is increasingly emboldened to show their true stripes: totalitarian antisemitic elitists who wish to stomp out all who are not part of their pack.


Anonymous said...

Here's the link

If that one don't work

Anonymous said...

Denying the holocaust is irrational.There's too much evidence showing it occurred.
What is questionable though,is the justification for the holocaust.Atheists and many whites (usually out of guilt) blame christianity for the atrocities on jews.In other words...Jesus made us do it.
When you point out to them that nowhere in the bible does it prescribe christians to kill or subjugate jews as it does in islamic texts,and neither did jesus or any other christian in the NT (since there's no christian in the OT) murder,rape nor plunder - then they usually start quoting the violence of the OT/Torah.In other words,christians used the jews own words and deeds to justify the killing of jews.

But this is easily shown to be false.jews were massacred for two main overiding reasons:
a) They were considered to be of inferior stock = not nordic/blue-eyed blondes.
This one is extremely hard for modern jews to accept.
b)Although the jews were considered foreign and inferior ,yet they held significant power and influence in much of european society,as opposed to other so-called inferior races.Thus jealousy ensued and conspiracies were born.

Stan said...

A great many American Jews are Jewish in DNA only. Many are non-believers who don't even like conservative Jews. More important would be a poll of Israelis.

American Jews and Jewish apostates are very Leftist.

Stan said...

Should have said, "tend to be very Leftist".

They vote against their own interests, unless their interests are to be the Messiah Class.

Rikalonius said...

You are too charitable, Stan. I call them cultural Jews. These New York "Jews" are about as Jewish as a typical Bostonian is Irish Catholic. They celebrate a few high holidays and regurgitate some lingo to maintain a cultural veneer, and that is where it ends.

Regardless of Jewish attitudes towards Christianity, Christians do not support Israel or Jews because of what they do, but what we are commanded as Christians to do. Israel is just as much our ideological homeland as there, and even if it wasn't it is the only semblance of a Westernized country in the region. That being said I hate using absolutes when it comes to whole nations. I've traveled to too many countries and found that attitudes towards America vary greatly. In every nation on earth there are people who love America, and love the ideas that America was founded on. To subvert Marx, conservatives of the world unite.

As far as Academia, well, I don't want to brake spades on Godwin's law, but here goes. Atheist academia is what brought us the Third Reich. Anyone who lump National Socialism in with Christianity is either bereft of any historical knowledge, or to wit, ignorant as hell. Or they are purposefully dishonest to win a debate.