At the end of the session, one of the Society's senior members said: "It's great that you don't think there's any misogyny in your world, but I think if you talked to these men for long enough you'd find there were some pretty sinister ideas about women buried somewhere beneath the surface."The creation and maintenance of the Messiah Class, Victim Class, and Oppressor Class are the full and sole theory of Leftism. Class warfare requires class assignment. Only the elites are allowed to assign class designations to the rest of humanity. There is no use in arguing the point with them, because their entire self is invested in their own eliteness and the class war which they create to support their eliteness. Without their eliteness and their class warfare, they have nothing, are nothing, becuuase their entire investment would be eliminated, and their "self" identity zeroed out.
In that moment, I suddenly realised why so many aspects of the modern feminist movement in Britain irritate me so much. Don't misunderstand, I'd consider myself a feminist and I'm all for structural changes which ensure equal treatment of the sexes - the types that are working to ensure we have an equal number of female MPs and laws to prevent female genital mutilation, for example. But cultural "feminist" changes, the types that insist lads mags, Page 3 and wolf-whistling are automatically offensive and should therefore be scrapped from the public consciousness, I have always struggled to comprehend. For, at their crux is the notion that men are either genetically or socially conditioned to be evil. This explains why relatively harmless acts - an admiring glance, a whistle, a propensity for lads mags - are imbued with such weighty significance, often lazily labelled as "rapey".
Today's feminism teaches British women to see themselves as victims and victims cannot exist without a villain, in this instance – men. In order for this thesis to have any kind of logic, feminists have made sweeping, inaccurate judgments about an entire demographic, based on nothing more than their gender. Ironically, the exact practice they claim to be fighting.
So this, like Leftism in general, is mental illness on a large scale. When the scale becomes too large, that's when the inmates run the asylum.
This article doesn't mention it, but Feminism has a large homosexual component, another facet of misandry, not to mention significant deviation from the norm.
Marxism and all its various mutant children require constant agitation between classes. No class struggle, no Marxism.
So they keep creating classes and shoving people into them.
And they keep failing. The idea that they are cutting off the branch on which they sit - and therefore, forever ensuring their own failure - does not seem to occur to them.
I think it's because they are so corrupt that there is no longer any room for reason beyond that required to feed their egos. But of course, that's just my opinion based on a lot of observation (unfortunately, much of it on myself).
Trying the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results - and really, calling something by a different name does not make it different - is one definition of insanity. Which itself is the absence of reason. So it fits.
This is where ultimate reality smacks the Marxist in the face. Every time. And yet... there's a lot of evil done in its name and a lot of people suffer and die while the Marxists persist in their deluded goal of existing on their own in the Void.
"The idea that they are cutting off the branch on which they sit - and therefore, forever ensuring their own failure - does not seem to occur to them."
Well, history began last Tuesday, so there's no way of knowing how things tend to turn out. No idea. At all.
Marxism is one of the fastest to failure ways of running society I've seen. It's a matter of when it will fail, and how much pain and suffering will happen before then.
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