Sunday, May 11, 2014

Racist Democrat Candidate Meets Black Republican Candidate; Hilarity Ensues

Gotta LOVE this!

Run away! Run Away!


Steven Satak said...

The racist isn't actually thinking about what they are saying, or if it makes any kind of sense even by their own rules. They just bluster and blather, then try to strong-arm their way.

I read the other day that the judge who overturned the Arizona ban on same-sex marriage opined that the millions who voted that law in were 'ignorant'.

See? Just a little more education - voluntary or otherwise, but approved by progressives - and we'd all think like they do.

Of course, it's character assassination by a judge, who should know better but opens his mouth anyway. It can't be that HE'S wrong. His opponents have to be stupid. And immoral into the bargain.

Robert Coble said...

Agenda meets reality - and the agenda is preferred.

This is a perfect example. A privileged white male (dressed up as a caricature of stereotypical white Southerner circa the 1850s) meets an articulate black woman. Instead of simply accepting that SHE might have a much better grasp of the reality of racial profiling than him, he simply dismisses her for being "off the liberal plantation."

It is impossible to have a constructive dialog with someone who asserts "My mind is already made up; don't confuse me with the facts." And back to the talking points he went...

Perhaps my visceral response (as a thinking white male) is a little over the top:


Stan said...

Had the South won its independence, the Democrats would be in the Southern states, and blacks would still be their legal slaves. Then the Democrats wouldn't be able to lie about their racism as they do now. Now, they can pretend that their racism is for the good of the targets of their racism, and that they are actually their saviors. Ironically, the targets of their racism tend to buy it, since they get just enough free stuff to keep them in their place.

But some make it out.

I'm surprised that this Democrat forgot to call her a traitor to her race. Those of her race know their place, you know.