Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Few Headlines From Instapundit

"GOVERNMENT MOTORS UPDATE: GM Is Alive. Drivers Are Dead. Any Questions?"

IF YOU LIKE YOUR DOCTOR, YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR. PERIOD. UnitedHealthcare to cut doctors for Mass. seniors.


1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

Okay, it's time to "retire" (without honor) the "male privilege" schtick for military service. Yes, it worked for all those years, especially in the Great War and the "Progressive" War to End All Wars [how DID that work out?!?] but now it is simply a lingering vestige of patriarchy, and we certainly do NOT want any continuation of patriarchy malarkey. We have been liberated from such antiquated notions as embodied in George Orwell's quote:

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

Orwell obviously was a misogynist, sexist bastard MALE, probably guilty of PIV and other MALE atrocities against the rougher sex (or gender or transgender; it's SO confusing). Or maybe he just liked the rougher sex or was into "rough sex."

Let's hear it for those "rough" WOMEN who stand ready to do violence on the behalf of those peacefully sleeping people.

Let's start a movement of, by, and for those "rough" WOMEN to be REQUIRED to register with the Selective Service System between ages of 18 to 25, including UNDOCUMENTED or ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. (See the SSS Web site at for the disclaimer that the status of illegal immigrants, uh, "undocumented guest" workers will not be disclosed to ICE or any other US government agency so rude as to inquire as to how you got into the country.)

Let's have full "equality" of opportunity for both men and WOMEN to be "rough" and ready to serve their country.

BULLY! (Aw, heck, can't I channel my inner Teddy Roosevelt anymore?!? I'm really, really sorry that I used that term, which is now so offensive that it is referred to as the "B-word." Or am I confused about the currently correct euphemism for the "B-word"? Could the "B-word" still refer to those "rough" women, ready to jump on the Selective Service System to DEMAND their right to be registered to be drafted?!? How about a "two-fer": B-word-ing B-word-s, unite to kick some male wimpy B-word-s. Damnation! This is getting really difficult to keep straight! Oh heck, now I've offended the LGBTPQRSTUVWXYZ lobby. Would it be offensive if I said, "This is getting really difficult to keep gay [in the original "happy" sense]!")