Monday, June 30, 2014

"Prolier" Than Thou: Why Democrats Pretend To Be Poor When They Are Filthy Rich

Why Democrats insist on lying about how ‘poor’ they are

"Ever wonder why the Democrats seem to want to keep people poor?

But there’s another reason Democrats can’t talk about their wealth. It’s because they can’t say, “I made it big. Follow me and you can, too.”

Democrats earn their money in ways that aren’t available to most Americans. Yet even for Democrats, the Clintons got rich in an exotic way. They accumulated something like $100 million not by building a business or inventing something or even writing some hit songs. Their entire fortune came from political celebrity. (Their daughter has even accumulated $15 million by being the offspring of political celebrities. Or did you think NBC News paid her $600,000 a year because of her obvious broadcasting ability?)

If the Clintons had gotten rich inventing Facebook, that fortune would have spawned many others. But celebrity honoraria don’t work that way.
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The Clintons have made a fortune off their political celebrity.Photo: EPA

Drug dealers create more middle-class jobs than these people do.

Moreover, both Clintons have given so many speeches to big-bucks interest groups that there are legions of fat cats who think Hillary owes them a favor should she reach the White House."
More at the link.

1 comment:

Rikalonius said...

"Prolier" than thou. That is about a brilliant phrase if I ever read one. I'm going to use that in the future. It isn't just slimy political celebrities, there is something deep down in the American culture, heck it is probably world wide, that makes people want to project themselves as having the toughest upbringing among their peers. I wonder if Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie ever got into a conversation over a $400 lunch about who had it the toughest?

I have a good friend who did grow up poor. He grew up in a crime infested suburb of Boston. I laugh whenever I see him purposefully making someone uncomfortable by calling them "rich" and watching how they squirm and quickly defend how tough they had it.

The problem with these lying liars that lie like Hillary and Elizabeth Warren is that nobody in the lap-dog media will call them out on it.