Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Look at Democracy Alliance

This statement is embedded in the working papers of the “Democracy Alliance” which is a progressive money raising group:
“When Tea Party candidates prevail in statehouse races, women’s rights suffer, protections for working Americans are gutted, voting rights are constricted, the social safety net is slashed, and conserativve victors make sure they consolidate their power through redistricting, judicial appointments, and attacks on key sources of progressive power like labor and Planned Parenthood.”
Let’s take this one item at a time:

1. Women’s rights: this means cheap and available progeny killing, and free post-coital embryo destroying drugs. Feminists might include the destruction of all male dominance, with the installation of females into those positions; and the abolition of PIV sex which is rape.

2. Protections for working Americans: this means forced "dues" payments to unions in order to work.

3. Voting rights: this means preventing ID protections against voter fraud; reasoning is that blacks are too inferior to get IDs.

4. Social safety net is slashed: this means that growth of new funds to prop up Leftist Victimhood groups is contained to growth rates less than 100% per year.

5. Conservative redistricting: this means preventing the undoing the previous gerrymandering done by the Left.

6. Judicial appointments: this refers to the appointment of judicial candidates who lie about supporting the Constitution, and instead support “progressive programs”, which are prejudicial.

7. Key sources of progressive power: Unions (give them an auto company of their very own); Planned Parenthood (more abortions = more progressive power).

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