Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Short List Of Self-Refuting Statements

The Short List is Here. It doesn't contain Hitchens' Razor, but maybe the book does.


Steven Satak said...

Typically, atheist echo chambers moderate only comments that disagree with the opinions expressed in the blog itself. In other words, if you disagree, no one will ever know because your post is automatically deleted.

So I'll pass.

Stan said...

You could always visit there, and come back here and comment. Leave a note there that your comment is here.

We'll sit back and watch the fun... and maybe chip in now and then.

Anonymous said...

Steve, Atheist Watch is Anti-Atheist, not pro-atheist. The reason that Metacrock moderates his comments is because he has gotten a lot of dumb, mean ones from fundy atheists over the years.

Steven Satak said...

Alright, maybe I will give it a shot. But from long experience, I don't expect them to do anything more over there than they've done here in the years I've been following Stan's blog. And that's precious little.

Anonymous said...

Go right ahead, but just to let you guys know, Joe had to go back to the hospital (leg infection). So, if you did (or do) comment, he may not get back to you for a few days. I will keep you posted on that.