Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Alert To Atheists: Greta Wants Your Grief Stories!

Who could be less prejudiced than Greta Christina? Well, most everyone who is not Greta Christina. Nonetheless, she will be the reigning lesbian/Atheist author on the subject of grief in the Atheist. And here is my favorite question from her list:
” * Are there secular ideas about death and grief that you’ve found helpful? (This can include songs, poems, quotations, philosophies, books, movies, TV shows, or anything else.)”
[emphasis added]
Yes. These would be the Atheist sources of truth, understanding and consolation.


Scorpio said...
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Scorpio said...

Gee,I wonder why Greta has failed to mention science,math and logic?
And here I thought their worldview depended on these.

Stephen R said...

I don't get the distinction you're making. Can't books provide wisdom or comfort? (Isn't the Bible a book?)

Stan said...

The whole point is the relativism of the entire "wisdom" concept, where finding wisdom is relegated to contemporary culture, and comfort is to be taken from the completely values-free flesh cauldron that is now our culture.

Atheists have nowhere else to go, unless it is into their own craniums for solace.