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Atheists Fear the Cross As Much As Vampires Do
"But American atheists and “freethinkers” can’t think rationally. They have a superstitious fear of anything that resembles a Christian symbol; so much so that they will spend millions of dollars to remove those symbols from any place in this nation. Like the vampires in the horror movies, atheists tremble in fear when they see a cross. The reason for the fear is never clear, and never rational; but then, again, atheism has never been rational to start with.
In fact, there is an even deeper resemblance between atheists and vampires. Just like vampires, atheists are parasites: They can never build their own society; they have to borrow Christian capital. When the West was built to become the most prosperous and just civilization the world has ever known, and when America emerged to become a City on a Hill with liberty and justice for all, there were no atheists around to help build it. It was Christians who made America what it is today. The atheists appeared much later on the scene, only to consume what others have produced. And even today, American atheists never volunteer to go live in societies that were based on atheism – the Soviet Union and North Korea come to mind – but they prefer to stay here, in America, built originally on Christian principles. Just like vampires, atheists have no blood of their own but they like to suck the blood of a civilization created by Christianity
It definitely is the case that AtheoLeftism sucks the morality and character out of a culture, and history shows what is left in cultures where that has happened before.
I've pointed this out elsewhere, but atheists - who claim not to believe in God - are curiously dependent on societies that do. Furthermore, the only kinds of cultures that put up with their selfish antics are ones that have solid religious foundations.
It's as if the only people who will tolerate them are the ones they are trying to destroy. And their rejectionism requires something to reject. If God truly did not exist, neither would atheism.
Talk about sawing off the branch you sit on....
Atheists also share a trait with evil, in that they are both parasites, deriving such meaning and existence as they have from something both larger and more real than they are.
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