Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hemant Mehta Tells Us What Atheist Values Are, and They Are NOT Republican

Hemant Mehta who self-appellates as the "Friendly Atheist", lets Atheists know how to vote, based on Atheist/Humanist principles. If you thought that Atheism is without any principles other than "not having any theist beliefs", Mehta will set you straight on that.

Mehta makes clear what I have said all along: Atheists trend heavily into the Leftist, messiahist, elitist ideology. Thanks for your support on that, Hemant!

But unfortuneately Hemant goes on to babble forth on the moral failures of Republicans, most of which are false claims but only false in reality; they are not false to AtheoLeftists. That's how Relativism works, right Hemant? Right.


Shizmoo said...

I posted this on his "9 things atheists should STOP saying":

Heres my list of atheist irrational canards and foolish rhetoric they should stop saying:

1. Atheism is default position

2. Everyone is born an atheist

3. Hitchen's razor

4. Atheism is a lack of belief

5. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

6. God doesn't exist

7. There is no evidence of God's existence

8. Theists only believe in god out of fear

9. Theist only believe God because of their parents

10. Theists only believe in God because of geographical location

11. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

12. Prove God empirically

13. Everything requires empirical proof (Empiricism)

14. I hate God therefore he doesn't exist

15. "I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one less God"

16. Jesus was a myth

17. Any moral complaint since atheism lacks objective morality

18. Naturalism is true

19. Epicurus (Problem of evil)

20. Euthyphro dilemma

21. Can God create a rock he can't lift

Those are off the top of my head, but there are more that are easily refuted such as these.

Had a village atheist rage right away lol.

Rikalonius said...

Boy is he just a parrot. Squawk! Economics bad. Squawk! Tax cuts bad! Typical "critical thinking" Atheist. He does nothing but regurgitate.