"“While the Supreme Court has ruled, this fight is far from over. Along with my colleagues in Congress, I am deeply committed to ensuring that all Americans — men and women alike — can get the health coverage they need, and we will be exploring legislative remedies to ensure that affordable contraceptive coverage remains available and accessible,” [Dem Sen Tom] Harkin said."And,
"White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama thinks the decision “jeopardizes” the health of women. “We believe that the owners of for-profit companies should not be allowed to assert their personal religious views to deny their employees federally mandated benefits,” Earnest said.Note that the issue is just this: forcing someone to provide abortafacient drugs to another person... or to be fined immense fines, or to cause the first person to eliminate all gifts of a health nature to the other person. (It has not been that long since SCOTUS ruled that a corporation is a person, with the rights of a person). Not all birth control drugs were even considered, nor were other birth control methods: just those that kill.
He added that the White House “will work with Congress to make sure that any women affected by this decision will still have the same coverage of vital health services as everyone else."
"In this case, the companies’ owners say that four of the 20 contraceptives approved by the FDA work after an egg has been fertilized and thus are abortifacients. While many, if not most, doctors and scientists disagree, Alito said the point is that the owners believe offering such services — such as the morning-after pill and IUDs — violates their religious faiths.
But regulations adopted by the Department of Health and Human Services require all to be offered, and the companies face fines if they do not comply — as much as $1.3 million a day for Hobby Lobby.
The other alternative would be to not offer their employees health insurance, Alito said."
The Left is very jealous of its right to kill, human fetuses anyway. They will pursue every avenue, legitimate or not, to see to that that right is maintained and serviced. And as always, the right to kill human fetuses is misnomered as "women's health care".
Another promise was that ObamaCare would not require providing abortion. Right.
It's not enough that they kill the unborn.
They have to make the rest of us pay for it too.
I wonder if, by doing that, they think they are damning the rest of us by proxy for even agreeing to do such a thing?
Or is it something as simple as this: you feed your ego best on another ego, and the ego you feed on tastes best when it is outraged and shocked.
As we are outraged and shocked, by being forced into compliance.
Everyone reading this does understand that is the sole purpose of the Left's acquiring and keeping political power, right? They have huge egos - they worship themselves, for the love of God.
And egos are best fed on other egos, by gaining power over them and with their full knowledge (for it wouldn't be nearly as filling if they didn't know what was happening to them), forcing the Left's preferred targets to march, to dance, to do things that shock, anger and outrage them. But most important of all, it has to be against their will.
If they agreed to the Left's demands, they would simply be fools. And eventually, tools. But the core of the feeding of a Progressive ego is that delicious resistance that implies your victims know what you are doing even as you do it to them, again and again.
It's like rape, only much more public. And women can do it just as easily as men.
That is how you feed on another human soul, or try to. Being only partly spirit, it is an imperfect feeding. And the end is always the same - suicide, in a sense, as our egos swell and corrupt and eventually crowd out reason - whereupon we disintegrate and we become failed humans. But then, suicide has always been the ultimate expression of the narcissist.
No wonder the Progressives hate Christians. We're onto them.
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