Saturday, July 12, 2014

Recent Science Fails

Headlines in science today:
Peer Review Ring "Smashed", 60 articles Retracted
Good. This one is eliminated. How many more are there?

CDC says it improperly sent dangerous pathogens in five incidents in past decade
If the CDC can't control their own pathogens, how can we expect the other labs to do so?

U.S. anthrax probe reveals new bird flu mishap, widespread safety lapses
How much more danger to society can we expect from science?


Robert Coble said...

"How much more danger to society can we expect from science?"

May I respectfully suggest a very minor change to your rhetorical question, in the interest of accuracy?

"How much more danger to society can we expect from government science?"

"Government science" is an oxymoron, similar in nature to "Progressive intelligence".

Richard said...

An article you might find interesting, and it touches tangentially the subject at hand...

Stan said...

Very interesting article; thanks, Richard.

Robert Coble said...


The Threat To The Scientific Method

Follow the government money and you will find the corruption.

Robert Coble said...

More Townhall:

The Threat to the Scientific Method that Explains the Spate of Fraudulent Science Publications

Robert Coble said...

Within my last post, there is a link to a PDF file containing a great summary of the major concepts, principles, and functions of logic.

Summary of Major Concepts, Principles, and Functions of Logic

This is a great summary of the wealth of material on philosophy and logic contained on this blog!

Robert Coble said...

Well, it WOULD be a link, if I managed to type the HTML correctly. Here's another try:

Summary of Major Concepts, Principles, and Functions of Logic

Sorry about that. . .