Sunday, July 13, 2014

Slippery Slope vs. Kinseyan Spectrum vs. Total Libertinism, Sexual, Moral, Intellectual, Political.

Australian judge says incest may no longer be a taboo
"Judge in Australia says incest may no longer be a taboo and the only reason it is criminal is potential birth abnormalities, which can be solved by abortion "
Unsurprisingly, he compares incest to homosexuality which was once a forbidden sexual behavior. So the slippery slope, aka the Kinsey Spectrum of Sexual Behaviors (all legitimate, of course), will ultimately result in total sexual libertinism. And that is just a symptom of the underlying intellectual libertinism for which "no truth" spells out no morality at all, and "tolerance" spells out no challenging our libertinism".

Vox Day comments:
There is no middle ground. What devotees of one particular immorality or another believe is a reasonable stopping point - here, and no further - is nothing more than a waystation on the road to total depravity of the worst imaginable sort.

We libertarians were wrong. Societal liberty simply cannot be maximized through sexual anarchy any more than it can be maximized though unrestricted immigration, unrestricted government, or unrestricted voting. In retrospect, this should always have been obvious: if everything goes, then literally everything will go. This is no longer a hypothetical objection on the part of traditional conservatives, it is an undeniable reality. It is human nature to push at the boundaries; there will always be those who cross the line. Therefore, the line needs to be set firmly along boundaries that are undeniably eucivic and proven by centuries of tradition to be sustainable in the long term.

There will be those who disingenuously insist that the clock cannot be turned back, that humanity is doomed to an endless future of sodomy, incest, rape, necrophilia, and bestiality. This is provably false; the current period of sexual anarchy in the West is hardly the first in human history and it is very short by historical standards. And this particular clock most certainly will be turned back, one way or another, because everything from birth rates to the transmission rates of sexually transmitted diseases indicate that the current state of near-sexual anarchy has already reached the point of unsustainability.
With the death of meaning for the term, marriage , the advent of Homosexuals as victims, and abortion as "women's health", there no longer is any realistic barrier sexual activity along Kisey's spectrum such as pedophilia or incest (or necrophilia or any other sexual behavior). The objections of some Leftists that Homosexuality was the last stop for "reform" is just bleating into the wind. Once morality is abridged, there is no stopping it until all immorality is gathered into the fold of "victimhood" and normalization. The fact that some homosexuals oppose pedophilia is nullified by the same charge used against opponents of homsexuality normalization: hypocrisy; irrational pedophobia; discrimination against a victim category; demonization of detractors of "normal sexual behavior" a la Kinsey; sexual bigotry not worthy of modern social needs. What worked for one deviation category will certainly work for the others.

But Vox is right; it will not be sustained long term because deviant behavior always becomes too radicalized and too destructive for the host society to continue to allow it. The problem becomes how to put the demons back in the box. They won't take it well. And violence is predictable, since violence was part and parcel of the homosexual liberation movement.


Rikalonius said...

In the camp film Demolition Man, Nigel Hawthorne's character, Raymond Cocteau says to John Spartan "People just wanted the madness to stop." That movie could have been so much better if it hadn't gone for mindless action camp, and really focused the inevitable after birth of Anarchy --Despotism. Dostoevsky says it well in the Brothers Karamazov with the parable of Jesus and the Inquisitor:

"Today, people are more persuaded than ever that they have perfect freedom, but they have brought their freedom to us and laid it humbly at our feet."


"Oh, never, never can they feed themselves without us! No science will give them bread so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, "Make us your slaves, but feed us."

Stan said...

Brings to mind the Cloward-Piven strategy of overloading the systems in order to collapse them all, and thus bringing despotism to conquer the anarchy.

The current southern border sedition is overloading the systems on purpose, with two years of Obama left. He will do what he can to us.

Robert Coble said...

It appears to me (and I certainly am NOT a conspiracy theorist) that the "overloading" of all American systems and the breakdown of the rule of law (by politicians and unelected government officials) is intentional. I think that the continued "stick in the eye" to the freedom-loving MINORITY is intended to foment and provoke a "crisis" sufficiently large as to "require" declaration of martial law, and subsequent suspension of the provisions of that musty old DYING document, the U.S. Constitution. What other ultimate purpose can there be for arming every Federal agency (especially the IRS) with military weaponry? Our Dear and Glorious Leader will then be "forced" to continue his reign for the "good of the sheeple," but, of course, only for the duration of the extreme "emergency" that require his benevolent guidance.

As nutty as that sounds, consider the history of the world, and then tell me I'm the one peddling nuttiness.

The expiration date of "democracies" is approximately 200 years, and the inevitable lesson of history is that the decline and fall of democracies is followed immediately by tyrannical forms of government.

When given a choice between liberty with hardship or slavery with goodies, the "sheeple" will pick slavery every time. Only a small minority would prefer death to slavery, and they will certainly achieve that end.

If you think that is a harsh assessment of the "sheeple," consider the ancient Israelites, as recorded in the Bible. How many times did the "sheeple" rebel, requesting to be led back into slavery in Egypt, in order to enjoy the garlic and the leeks that accompanied their slavery?

R.I.P. America: Sic Transit Gloria.

Unknown said...

I think in this case "slippery slope" is a misapellation. "Slippery slope" implies a gradual transition through a series of discrete steps.

In the case of the sloppy sentimentality that has replaced the traditional concept of marriage and family, no further progression is necessary. The same arguments presented in favor of same-sex marriage *already* embrace the rest of the Keyensian spectrum, and it's only a matter of waiting for that realization to dawn on the rest of society.

This has been brought home to me in any number of discussions I've had with SSM proponents, when pointing out that pro-SSM arguments apply equally well to polygamy and polyandry. When pushed, most pro-SSM apologists will end up embracing polyandry as well.

There are no further discrete stages to pass through; it's only a matter of time before society realizes we're already there.

Stan said...

Yes, indeed.

Steven Satak said...

"With the death of meaning for the term 'marriage'"....

The meaning has not died. Long after all the prancers are moldering in their graves and the Lefties who tried to destroy this country are dust, folks will still be going down to the church to attend weddings and themselves getting married.

This too shall pass.

Rikalonius said...

Steven, sounds like the warning of the Calvinist to the King of Navarre in 1562.

"Sire, but yet you will be pleased to remember the Church of God is an anvil that has worn out many hammers. The hammers are gone but the anvil endures. If this book had not been the book of God, men would have destroyed it long ago. Emperors and popes, kings and priests, princes and rulers have all tried their hand at it; they die and the book still lives."

Unfortunately in their attempts to destroy it, they commit a great deal of murder in the process.

Stan said...

I'm referring to a previous thought I had regarding the separation of the concept of "marriage" (secular contract with no limits) from the concept of "holy matrimony" (sacrament).

But now even the sacrament is being sullied as churches leave moral principles behind, in favor of cultural standards.

You are right, though. Even though many strong cultures have destroyed themselves, the institution of heterosexual marriage has and will persist.

A study released yesterday by the CDC found only 1.6% of the population to be homosexual/lesbian.

Yet the visibility they receive as point focus far outstrips their actual presence in the population. They are a political tool for removing morality from the American psyche.

Rikalonius said...


Howie Carr was referencing this article on his show on my afternoon drive. He said "If you watch Prime Time television, bubble gum for the eyes, you'd think that gays made up 60% of the population instead of the one and half percent that actually identify as such."