Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Most Blatant of Obama's Impeachable Offenses

That Obama encouraged and likely inititated the IRS attack on Americans is impeachable. That Obama gave guns to drug cartels is impeachable. That Obama released terrorist enemies in a negotiation with the enemy is impeachable. But impeachment on those offenses is not likely.

The impeachable offense of encouraging the illegal breach of our borders as well as failure to defend our borders just might be the offense which brings impeachment upon the One. Bragging about going it alone, without Congress which won't do what he wants, will be a contributing factor.

Impeachment is a strange thing. Obama's conviction won't produce any difference in actual reality, because Biden would become president. The Leftist destruction would not be allayed until the entire chain of seditious Leftists is removed from leadership. That won't happen.

Vox Day says:
"I think most Americans are some combination of genuine ignorance, willful ignorance, frightened paralysis, and wishful thinking. Both the government agencies and the observant citizenry find themselves in the position of two opponents standing in a spreading pool of gasoline, both armed with flamethrowers, but neither wishing to set himself alight. No one is eager for the civilizational conflagration, except for the short-sighted and the foolhardy.

Nevertheless, I would go so far to suggest that if you are not an extremist with regards to a) Jesus Christ and b) Western civilization, you are objectively part of the problem. If you are prone to temporizing on various elements such as sex, race, culture, sexual orientation, criminality, immigration, and the mass issuance of credit, then you are contributing to the collapse by providing intellectual cover to those who are actively, if often inadvertently, working to demolish Western civilization.

Read your history. Pagan societies are not very pleasant places in which to live. Science is not a magic self-sustaining enterprise. Technology is not a given and it does not grow naturally on trees. Culture is the result of a complex interweaving of nature and nurture, and it cannot survive when both are significantly altered. We are facing a situation where the societal supports have been methodically withdrawn, one after the other, and with each failure to immediately collapse, it is widely agreed by the elite and the unwashed alike that the support removed is thereby proven to have been unnecessary. This is not valid logic. What took centuries to build is taking decades to dismantle; the fact that the structure does not instantly collapse does not indicate that it remains sound.

Because the progressives were permitted to experiment with withdrawing various civilizational supports, the West will soon find its options constrained to a few scenarios, all of them ugly, if it is to survive in a recognizable form. And if you are prone to temporizing your defense of civilization now due to your fear that someone will criticize you, why do you think you will dare to lift a finger in its defense when the price of doing so will be considerably higher?"
There must be a blatant trigger which will influence even the most calcified "independent", and irrevocably initiate the conflagration. And the conflagration will be of the form of a more brutal civil war than the previous one. As Americans who actually love America, we both fear and hope for resolution of the Leftist assault on the American constitution and human freedom.

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