Saturday, August 9, 2014

If Ever There Were An Argument Against Leftist Empathy...

...this is it.
Left frets over Iraq mission creep

"The White House has stressed that the two missions — the airstrikes and the airdrops — are narrow and discrete. But neither has an end-date, prompting concern from some Democrats and liberal anti-war groups.

“I oppose open-ended military commitments, which the president’s actions in Iraq could become,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“I am deeply concerned that these actions could lead to prolonged direct military involvement, which I would strongly oppose,” he added.

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), another senior Democrat on the committee, said he supported the president’s actions, but “as one of only 23 senators who opposed the war in Iraq, I do not believe this should be an extended campaign involving US ground troops.”

Reed is running for reelection this fall.

And Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), the House’s most strident anti-war voice, said, “I support strictly humanitarian efforts to prevent genocide in Iraq.”

But, she added, “while the president has existing authority to protect American diplomatic personnel, I remain concerned about U.S. mission creep in Iraq and escalation into a larger conflict, which I oppose.”

Giving only food and water to the persecuted and pursued allows them to live long enough to be overtaken and beheaded. That is so clear that only the insane would not comprehend it. I suspect more strongly than ever that because the genocide is being performed by Islamists, that it is really not that big of a deal to the Left. No, they're not Islamists themselves, but the Islamists are their pets, always the victims, and somehow they are always owed something (like all of Israel after killing all Israelis).

I heard, once again, a reported quote from Hitler - ever the pragmatist - addressing his military command:
"Who remembers the Armenians"
Whether he actually said that or not, it does seem to apply to the lack of concern for ALL the non-Sunni inhabitants of the middle east, including the now-extinct Christians and the possibly-extinct Kurds.

The irony is thick considering that Iran - IRAN - is attempting to do the job that the major powers of the world should be doing: fighting Sunni Islamist genicide in Iraq.

The western world is infected with near-fatal doses of impotent, insane, imperious, ignominious Leftist twerps in positions of political power. The entire world will suffer, but the middle east will suffer the worst and first, followed by all other minorities, including those in the USA, with reservation blacks already having lost their moral value to the Left as the new Leftist favorites, the "our children" reconquistas from the south invade the now unguarded southern border. There is more than a little Leftist racism involved, and zero empathy, except for show and expediency. Posturing is the main Leftist activity, and its only strength.

In a completely uncharacteristic show of common sense, Feinstein said this:
"Senate Intellgence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) came out strongly in favor of the U.S. forcing ISIS out of Iraq, not just away from the Kurdish capital of Erbil in the north of the country.

“It takes an army to defeat an army, and I believe that we either confront ISIL now or we will be forced to deal with an even stronger enemy in the future,” she said, using an alternative acronym for the group."
Surely she has had a momentary lapse and will be led back into the Leftist Moral Fold.

Meantime, Elizabeth Warren stays predictable:
“But like the president I believe that any solution in Iraq is going to be a negotiated solution, not a military solution. We do not want to be pulled into another war in Iraq.”
For Warren, war is worse than genocide. There you have it: the Leftist Ideology, spoken plainly.

Feinstein is really off the reservation: Good for her.

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