Thursday, August 14, 2014

Michael Mann Aims At His Foot

When it comes to Michael Mann, I tend to hold my nose and look for something, anything, else to read. So I wasn't really cognizant of the legal flap that Mann has precipitated in his attempt to shut down all criticism of himself, his methods, and his hockystick. But now its unavoidable and even interesting.

In suing the National Review, et al., Mann might very well have brought upon himself an avalanche of misfortune of his own making. For one thing, he has been equally or even more vitriolic in denouncing critics than his critics have been of him. So the obvious conclusion #1 is that if he wins he will be flooded with lawsuits for his own abusive behaviors.

But if the science does actually go through the court system, it is the discovery process that could eat Mann alive: his science will be scrutinized by outside experts, who will go on record. Many have already gone on record regarding his mathematical misdeeds, and his cherry picking data is well known, and he even admits to it.

It is interesting that when "science" came to courts in the form of evolution, the ACLU jumped in on the side of forcing evolution-only onto school children. But when "science" in the form of AGW comes into the courts in order to force its acceptance onto speech, the ACLU jumped sides. It depends on whether their own ox is being gored, it appears.

There is much being said about all this. The most cogent is that the court should wash its hands and walk away from it.

1 comment:

Rikalonius said...

It was easier and less risky to debate over un-provable origins, but with AGW I think even the ACLU might see the very real danger of ending up with egg on their face. I think most people see the writing on the wall that AGW is nothing more than fear-mongering and as each day goes by the mountain of fake science is crumbling and revealing the inconvenient truth, that AGW is not happening.