Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nope. No Bias Here... Move Along.

Networks Dodge Huge IRS Scandal News as DOJ Attorney Says Lost Lerner E-Mails Do Exist

And there is this:
IRS Shocker: Filing Reveals Lerner Blackberry Destroyed [after the hearings were started]


Robert Coble said...

I was a Federal email/system administrator and manager of many government computer systems during my career. The IRS top officials are LYING and have been LYING since day one about "missing emails."

All email goes through government SERVER systems. All government SERVER systems undergo continual backup. These backups must be stored off-site. Loss of an individual PC is of NO CONSEQUENCE to recovering email records.

Any email discussion of suggested or pending or completed actions taken against a "client" (translation: a target of the IRS) are official Federal records. These records are required to be printed and kept in the paper "client" file. This is not exceptional practice; it is STANDARD PRACTICE. Email/System administrators undergo periodic inspections to insure that all backup systems required are in place and fully functioning. This is an integral part of the process of disaster preparedness REQUIRED by all Federal agencies.

If you want the relevant IRS requirements (IRM), take a look at this link and story:

IRS regulations require e-mails that are “federal records” to be stored in separate, permanent system

Instead of "show trials" conducted for the protection of the corrupt top IRS officials and POSSIBLY the White House, subpoena the Email/System Administrator(s) of the system(s) through which Lois Lerner's emails were delivered to/from her. In very short order, the "missing" emails will be made available or these IT people can tell Congress where the email backups are located.

The top IRS brass and legal representatives are stonewalling and obfuscating because they know that the emails are NOT "missing" and never have been "missing." If pressure is brought to bear on the technical people, THEY will not try to cover up for this corrupt agency and its political bosses.

Robert Coble said...

Sorry: I just saw this follow-up on Hot Air:

IRS now claims Lois Lerner’s emails not really missing, just really hard to find



"Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe. The Obama administration attorneys said that this back-up system would be too onerous to search. The DOJ attorneys also acknowledged that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) is investigating this back-up system."

As I previously stated, this disaster preparedness server backup system is REQUIRED for all Federal computer SERVER systems.

How "onerous" is the process of recovering and searching the backups? It is no more difficult than finding a compatible server system (or setting one up specifically for that purpose) and reloading from the backups for the specified time period. BTW, the backups are tagged with the system identification and corresponding backup dates on them. Simply reload from the backups and begin the search. There is NOTHING "onerous" about the process; it is standard operating procedure. Will it takes some time? Yes, because several backups may have to be reloaded successively in order to find ALL of the incriminating email.

Please note that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administratiion appears not to be having any "onerous" difficulties in "investigating" this back-up system.

There were times that I was "ordered" by a senior manager to do something illegal regarding a Federal computer system. My response was always the same: "PUT IT IN WRITING WITH YOUR SIGNATURE, AND DATE IT." When asked why, I always answered, "SO I CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE PROSECUTED FOR ORDERING SOMETHING ILLEGAL TO BE DONE." That was sufficient to send them scurrying away like cockroaches when you turn on a light.

There are IT people of integrity working inside the Federal government, including at the IRS. Unfortunately, there is also an environment of intimidation throughout the Federal government in all agencies to be politically correct. In spite of that, technical people usually (NOT ALWAYS) have sufficient personal integrity to resist doing what is blatantly illegal. Destruction of official records is a crime, and most people will avoid putting themselves at risk of going to jail. Even people at Lois Lerner's level will try to avoid doing anything directly and obviously criminal, unless they feel like they are protected from prosecution by the political level. If they have been given "assurances" that they will not be prosecuted, no matter what, then they will act to do whatever their masters direct them to do.

Robert Coble said...

And yet, with all this new information, there is not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS, especially not at the top or connected to the political class.

Excuse me being blunt:


Stan said...

Thanks very much for that input. Suspicions confirmed. The Senate committee knows it too, I'm sure, but I don't know why they don't subpoena the IT guys. They need to run that committee 24/7 and subpoena the entire IRS until they find somebody who will tumble.