Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nope. No Bias In Sight

Lying by omission is just as much a lie as a blatant falsehood. MRC and Newsbusters track some of the network lies by omission, such as this big one which serves as a de facto defense of Hamas and attack on Israel:
The morning news shows for the major broadcast networks came and went on Thursday and two of the three networks in ABC and NBC refused to mention a key revelation in the ongoing fighting between Israel and the Islamic terrorist group Hamas. After previously denying involvement, a senior Hamas official admitted to the group's involvement in the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in early June that later led to the intense fighting throughout the summer.

The other major broadcast network, CBS, did mention this new development at the end of a 21-second news brief on its morning show, CBS This Morning. Co-host Norah O’Donnell reported that: “Also this morning, for the first time, Hamas officials confirm that the group kidnapped three Israeli teenagers who were killed back in June.”
And MRC reports the failure to mention the court action against the administration regarding the Fast And Furious scandal, remember the "gun walking" to the Mexican drug cartel criminals? The networks don't. There was federal court action against the administration there, too:
"On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks ignored the latest news from the Fast and Furious scandal as a federal judge ruled that the Department of Justice (DOJ) must turn over a list of documents regarding the botched gun-running scheme that was formally called Operation Fast and Furious.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled in court hearing Wednesday that the DOJ will have until October 1 to produce what is known as a privilege log to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. According to an article posted on The Blaze:

The judge’s order requires the department to produce all non-privileged documents and a detailed description of privileged documents. The committee will have until Oct. 17 to object to any withheld documents, according to a committee news release.

In 2012, President Barack Obama invoked executive privilege to shield Attorney General Eric Holder from having to provide the documents to the House Committee. Nevertheless, the Republican-controlled House, with the help of 17 Democrats, voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress for obstructing the probe."
The resulting 900+ deaths mean nothing to either Obama or Holder, including the death of one, maybe two, American officers due to Fast And Furious guns.

The administration, as previously observed, is complicit in mass murder.

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