Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Leftist Religion of Abortion

A person called Toriach makes the case for aborting Downs Syndrome and other human embryos at Daily Kos. As always, it starts with "it's the woman's choice" to kill or not to kill her progeny. But the further case to be made is that it is just too much trouble to deal with a challenged progeny:
"What both Dr. Dawkins, and most of those who vehemently disagree with him, have lost sight of, is a very important core truth. Unless they are pregnant with a potential Downs child, the decision is not, and should not, be the purview of anyone, except the woman carrying said child.

Everything else is extraneous moralizing, and well beside the point.

The simple, ugly, truth, is that raising any special needs child, whether they have a physical condition, or a mental/developmental one, is at best, a major challenge for most people. Both materially, and mentally/emotionally. There are many people who feel that it is well worth it. Good for them. I fully support the right of a woman to bring such a child into the world even knowing full well the potential challenges both child and parents may face. But, it is long past time, that we put a stop to the mythologizing of the challenged, and their care givers. For a great many people, children who are typical can be more than a bit of a handful, and for some, even on a good day, they may feel that they are in over their heads. This can be multiplied exponentially when dealing with a child with a challenge, whether physical, mental, or both in combination. We need to stop demonizing those women, who upon being informed that their child may be challenged, take an honest look at themselves and their situation and decide that they, for whatever reason, are not up to the lifelong challenge that raising such a child can bring. We need to stop acting as if these are special magical fairy children, and as if the mere fact of their existence will alleviate all the very serious difficulties that both they and their care givers may face over the course of their lives. "
Fortunately for some, she would support (allow) the birth of challenged children to parents who want them. But not to a mother who just can't deal with it: that means kill it. Just do it: kill it.
"Sadly, there is little hope of making the so called "pro-life" crowd understand this reasoning, let alone accept and embrace it. But far too many people on the Left, who proclaim their support for a woman's right to exercise total sovereignty over her person, suddenly turn into the worst kind of anti-choice zealot where the issue of aborting a fetus diagnosed with a congenital condition is concerned. It is high time that we accept that a woman's right to choose is sacrosanct at all times and in all circumstances. Even at those times that one might personally disagree with her choice or her reason for it. Perhaps especially at those times.

Keep The Faith My Brothers And Sisters!"
Realizing and admitting that abortion is the Leftist religion of killing one's progeny, Toriach calls the woman's right to kill, "sacrosanct". And she wraps up by admonishing, "keep the faith".

The Left is constantly attacking the rights of others. But this new, Leftist "right" is sacred and must not be attacked or... um... aborted. For now, it is the only legal killing that the Left can do, at least in western nations. by turning it into a religious, sacrosanct, article of faith, it becomes the "Allahu Ackbar" of the Left. The Right To Kill {X} is sacrosanct!!

The entire concept of being a mother and mothering is now reduced to the initial decision of "should I kill you? Or keep you? How much trouble will you be? Will you disrupt my life style? How much would it cost to just kill you?

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