Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Atheism Movement: So Chaos Is Self-Destructive, We Observe

As you read this article at the source, keep in mind that PZ Meyers is portrayed as an emergent hero. With that caveat, the article presents a scorching view of the Atheist "movement", if serial conferences represent an actual movement. And while the issue being discussed is Atheist misogyny, it can be seen that there is an undertow of viciousness that infects the male-dominated environment, both online and in person, at the conferences.

I was unaware of the character and personal nature of Michael Shermer. And as the article progressed, I at first began to doubt what the author was relating. Until nearly the end, when the multiplicity of charges comes to the fore. Of course, it's not just Shermer, it's a whole cultural thing going on.

Far from fitting the image of Super Empaths, the Skeptics, Free Thinkers, Humanists, and Atheists are a seething caldron of viciousness just waiting for a proximate victim. Or so it seems, at least in the lives of females who have dared enter the boy's club. And it is easy to see the radicalization of the feminists, as they fight amongst themselves over eliminationist worldviews.

From an outsider's perspective, this is entirely predictable based on the Atheist VOID of universal moral principles and the emotional turbulence which is endemic to most Atheists. A vacuum of universal, authoritative principles must necessarily lead to chaos and an undercurrent of anarchy. The child-man dimension relieves any restraint that maturity might assert.

Since they now feel that they have a "movement", it will be interesting to watch the denominations form, as the cracks widen. The movement is being consumed by their "moral" wars on each other

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