Thursday, September 18, 2014

Audit: ObamaCare IS Covering Abortions

O-Care money for abortions ignites GOP

"Following a seven-month investigation, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said Tuesday that health plans across the country have not followed the rules to prevent women from using federal subsidies to pay for abortions.

Now, with fewer than 50 days before Election Day, conservatives are eager to use the ammunition after largely avoiding the healthcare law on the campaign trail for months.

And in an election where support among women is critical, Republicans will also call attention to public funding for abortion, which a majority of the public opposes."


The audit also found apparent violations of the law affecting hundreds of thousands of people. Five states, including New Jersey and Connecticut, allow abortions to be covered under all insurance plans, violating the requirement that every state offer at least one plan that does not cover abortions.

Federal officials have said that some of the compliance issues result from a misunderstanding between states and insurance providers. Ben Wakana, a spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said officials would ensure that both groups “fully understand and comply with the federal law prohibiting the use of federal funds for abortions.”
Yep, yep, misunderstanding, yep, yep.

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