Thursday, September 18, 2014

Obama: Constitution Provides "Privileges"

United Liberty:
Obama marks Constitution Day by referring to our constitutional rights as “privileges”
This is hardly "news"; Obama has always claimed to believe in Positive Rights only: The only rights are those which are "positively" allowed by the government. Anyone paying attention back in '08 knows that. He is a dictator in his own mind.
"In his presidential proclamation marking Constitution Day, President Barack Obama offered some insight into how he views the Bill of Rights. “Our Constitution reflects the values we cherish as a people and the ideals we strive for as a society,” Obama said in the release. “It secures the privileges we enjoy as citizens, but also demands participation, responsibility, and service to our country and to one another.”

Given that this White House is known for its expansive view of executive power, the assertion that the rights guaranteed and protected under the Bill of Rights, the fact that President Obama views these fundamental liberties to be “privileges” isn’t too terribly surprising. After all, President Obama treats the legislative branch — which, again, is supposed to be a co-equal branch of the federal government — as an afterthought as it arbitrarily changes statues and even refuses to enforce laws."


While Obama is the first president (and he won’t be the last) to try to run roughshod over the Constitution and Bill of Rights, his comments are dangerous. They offer much insight into how progressives view your rights, which is to say they’re just privileges that can be revoked at any time some purported emergency arises.
If Obama gets away with his Constitutional abuses, future presidents will, too.

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