Monday, September 29, 2014

Things One May Not Say: The War on Free Speech

The Left will not allow contrary information to be disseminated if it can help it. Obama has attacked news outlets for allowing more news to reach the public than he likes. College campuses are now rampantly attacking any non-congruent opinions that might show up in speakers on their campuses. One leftist professor became violent when she came across a pro-life demonstration in a "free speech zone" (why are those necessary?), stealing a placard and striking one demonstrator who attempted to retrieve it. The rise in commencement speakers who have been run off by Leftist demonstrators has risen exponentially.

Even more dangerous is the trend toward demanding the incarceration and even death of those who disagree with major ideological tenets of the Left, especially AGW – now called Climate Justice. And the blackballing of academic applicants who question evolution is wide spread and well documented, as is the vitriol spewed by academics and sycophants against “Climate Deniers” who are equated with Holocaust Deniers as maximally evil and deludedly anti-science.

The current frenzy is “sexual assault”, the fav of the feministas who currently drive the Leftist culture. The drive against the “patriarchy”, meaning all men in general, now is the moral commandment du jour, as all Leftists bow in obeisance to whatever new directives the RadFems dictate. So when anyone questions the current moral dictates, even gently, the conversation is shut down immediately:

The current political environment is that of the constant LIE, where anything and everything which is said by the Leftists in control of the US Government is false, deliberately deceptive and ideologically manipulative. The administration is NOT the most transparent ever, is NOT truthful about any of the dozens of constitutional violations and scandals, and even deaths due to those violations and scandals. This sort of intellectually inverted environment is an underlying cause for the constant silencing attacks on all information which is contrary to their agenda and narrative.

Roger Simon has written,
“There is a sense in which the triumph of political correctness erodes free speech chiefly by negative means. It promulgates speech codes, rules against “hate speech,” and the like, but I suspect that its gravest damage is done by instilling a timidity of spirit among its charges. A reluctance to speak the truth instills an unwillingness or even inability to see the truth. Thus it is that the reign of political correctness quietly aids and abets habits of complacency and unfreedom.

This atmosphere of supine anesthesia is an invitation to tyranny. I was shocked to learn when at Winchester that Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid, had actually introduced a bill to challenge key provisions of the First Amendment. Yes, you read that aright. Democratic senators have proposed to gut the First Amendment. If passed, the provision would enable Congress to ban movies, books, and other forms of expression that bore on political controversies. Breathtaking, is it not? As far as I can tell from here, public response to this outrageous attack on free speech has been muted. Republican Senator Ted Cruz had the right idea when he proposed replacing the Democratic proposal with the text of the First Amendment itself. His clever rejoinder, however, was unanimously rejected by the Democrats at the hearing. The First Amendment protects free speech, especially as it bears on political debate. But it is precisely such freedom that is anathema to those of our masters who prefer their citizens submissive.

It took several centuries and much blood and toil to wrest freedom from the recalcitrant forces of arbitrary power. It is a melancholy fact that what took ages to achieve can be undone in the twinkling of an eye. It seems to me that we are at a crossroads where our complacency colludes dangerously with the blunt opportunism of events. Courage, Aristotle once observed, is the most important virtue because without courage we are unable to practice the other virtues. The life of freedom requires the courage to recognize and to name the realities that impinge upon us. Day is Night. Peace is War. Love is Hate. Out of such linguistic capitulations, Orwell showed in 1984, totalitarian tyranny is born. We’ve all read the book. Have we learned that hard lesson?”

The arrogance of the Left coupled with the ignorance of the populace – schooled only in Leftist doctrine by government schools and otherwise maleducated and dependent, interested only in Hollywood’s Leftist star’s coupling and decoupling – will likely bring us as a nation to the point of no return from the necessity of renewed bloodshed in order to regain the freedoms being wrested away in the pursuit of Leftist totalitarian utopia. Those who revere the constitution have already been put on watch lists by the Administration; we are potential domestic terrorists, where Islamic killings are just “workplace violence” (still known to the Left as The Religion of Peace). The US Government now places itself as the enemy of the common American, the final inversion that the Left requires for its totalitarian grip.


Russell said...

Just watched part of the video. I was stuck by the fact these people have no idea what violence is.

Heck, my soft pampered rear end barely understands it, but I've at least tried to.

A strong man understands strength, a weak man does not.

This isn't going to end well for any of us.

Steven Satak said...

I love how they try constantly to change the subject. Over at HuffPo we have a fellow whose article is entitled "Creationism is about Gay Marriage, Not Science". Now I don't bother to post comments on HuffPo articles, because they just delete most comments that don't fit their narrative. But I thought this was interesting. So I took a look.

It was filled mostly with assumptions about Christians in general, and the author spent most of his text pointing out how ridiculous Creation Science is (I don't agree with it myself, but that's another subject) and how all of it is motivated by people who *just hate gays*. Really, that was the entire thrust of the article.

We can't disagree with evolutionism because it doesn't make any sense. Or because the stories based around it are just one interpretation of the fossil record. We have to disagree because we hate gays.

I love how they try to paint everyone who disagrees with them as irrational, when it's they who deny reason every time it doesn't fit their Narrative. Which is often.