Monday, September 22, 2014

Vox Day On SJWs ("Social Justice Warriors")

"We're not dealing with reasonable people here, we are dealing with psychologically damaged people who want to utterly trash and destroy the things we love due to their envy, their mental instability and their evil, twisted ideology. They're not going to stop simply because they've been shot down once or twice. Failure doesn't demoralize them because it is their natural state. They're simply never going to stop until you have submitted to them and they have destroyed yet another predominantly male bastion.

Understand that I'm not considered an extremist because I'm a hot-tempered angry person given to historically unusual positions, but because the Social Justice Whores all realize that I am immune to their influence and I am therefore a threat to them by demonstrating that their victory is not inevitable Progress and one need to cower before them. Unlike most of their targets, I can take every accusation of sexism and racism and homophobism and religionism and inequalism and bigotism, laugh at it, and refuse to be swayed by it. What they call an extremist is nothing more than an individual who will not submit to them and dutifully confess that black is white and gay is good and two plus two is five on command."

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